Sometimes Angels Appear When You Need Them The Most

They masquerade as dog lovers offering help with the fear of flying

Susan Wheelock


A person’s hand offering a heart to another person’s hand
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Last week, my youngest daughter, Meg (not her real name), finally finished her two-year veterinary program. She has earned the right to sit for the board exam this summer, and when she passes, she will be able to officially call herself a Licensed Veterinary Technician.

She will be an animal nurse.

This is quite an accomplishment for my anxiety-ridden daughter, who, only a few years ago, didn’t want to leave her room and threatened to end her life on more than one occasion.

She hadn’t seen her older sister since Christmas. The two of them are incredibly close, so as a graduation gift, her father and I agreed to send her to Alabama for a weekend visit.

A week before her departure, Meg’s anxiety returned with a vengeance, forcing the entire family into management mode.

This meant late nights listening to her cry about how afraid she was to fly alone. What if the plane crashes? What would the dogs do without her? Who would take care of her fish?

“I don’t want to live like this,” she sobbed repeatedly, causing us to question the wisdom of sending her out into the world alone.



Susan Wheelock

Halloween loving retired public servant, and mom of three. Major league dog lover. Trying to age well. Always searching for the middle ground.