The Build Up to Christmas

The fun, the anticipation

Colleen Millsteed
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2023


A decorated Christmas tree surrounded by presents.
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Anyone with small children around during the build up to Christmas, knows the pain is real. Knows the challenge is on and we, as parents and caregivers, need to get creative.

What did you do to get around the challenge of a little one’s curious mind and insatiable appetite for getting into mischief?

Well, I had some fun with it all 😂😂😂

I’m a single mother with two gorgeous boys — who are all grown up now — but when it comes to Christmas and the saying boys will be boys, I had to get creative so that their curious minds and penchance for misbehaving, didn’t spoil their Christmas.

Small children remind me of having a pet cat when it comes to a Christmas tree. Both human child and animal are obsessed with the concept of this tree.

Now I’ve heard of many success stories for families when it comes to a pet cat but I had to get creative when it came to my boys and the well decorated, well lit tree.

I had an old fashion wooden playpen. The one that folds away flat or when erected forms a square so in effect the child inside the playpen is looking out on the world through wooden bars — remember those playpens?



Colleen Millsteed

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.