The Crawl After the Storm

My thoughts about the Pub Crawl

Rui Alves
Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2024


A woman is doing a pose at dawn with a rainbow in the background near the sea.
Photo by Drew Colins on Unsplash | Template by Medium on Twibbonize

A rosy-fingered dawn greeted me out of my slumber last Tuesday. As I opened my window, I could smell the promise of spring in the crisp morning breeze. Winter was almost gone here in the northern hemisphere, and I could hear the birds chirping to the rising sun.

I had planned not to write anything, but I couldn't resist the urge and began…



Rui Alves
Editor for

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.