The Most Beautiful Woman in The World is White

That’s what Keith told us anyway.

Bloom 🌺


Photo of a young man wearing a white t-shirt.
Teen boy in a white shirt, Photo by Karolina Grabowska: via Pexels

School is where our kids go to show the world what they’ve learned from us.

We were four kids in the tenth grade, sitting in art class. We did far more figuring the world out than anything during that period. All-in-all, I look back pretty fondly on that year.

Perhaps we had a substitute teacher the day one of us dropped a bomb, because I remember hashing out the topic of beauty standards for an unusually long time.

In our group was Keith, a white boy and Tyrone, a black boy who was my fourth grade crush. My love was unrequited, by the way.

Then there was Sharra, a white, wannabe model (picture former supermodel, Linda Evangelista). Finally, there was me, a shy but observant black girl who smiled a lot and who loved to laugh.

On most days, we had a really chill time in class. We’d listen to Keith go on and on about living the privileged life. I learned the most while listening to what my classmates talked about and even more by what they omitted from their stories.

Although Keith boasted a lot about his lifestyle, I noticed how he stopped talking about his parents. Keith loved his mom and dad. He talked about…



Bloom 🌺

I write and enjoy the world of allegory, female aging, relationship lessons, race predicaments and much more. Hopefully, at least one of my musings resonates!