Records/Vinyl Records/Music

Vinyl Records Are Making a Comeback

I always felt they would

Michael Rhodes
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Author — A little Disco while house cleaning

I recently found six boxes of records in the attic area above the garage that have been there for nineteen years. I had long forgotten about them.

I decided to play a few this morning to spot-check their condition. The attic can get very hot in the summer, and I was worried they might have warped.

The records are fine and sounded just like I remember.

I read they are making a comeback, with record sales having higher profits than CDs for the first time in thirty years.

Music for Old People.

But guess what?

It’s not because of middle-aged or older folks who have a history and nostalgic affection for LPs.

The current vinyl revival is the result of millennials and Gen Z consumers. Young people are causing the rebirth of vinyl.

My own son is 36 and has a new interest in records now.

Around 900 45rpm records in my collection — Photo by Author

Vinyl fans, including myself, believe that because vinyl is a beginning-to-end analog…



Michael Rhodes

Retired - Top writer in Sustainability, Travel & Food. Married 41 years, we have a Corgi dog. Love, camping, baseball, Bonsai, travel, & food.