We Won!

With determination, it’s possible to beat the monsters

Susan Wheelock
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I can’t believe I’m finally writing these words, but Rui Alves’s most recent prompt of “Dreams Kill Fears” has provided the perfect sentiment for today and I just can’t help myself.

My daughter won her grievance against her university.

Without going into the sordid details, months ago, my daughter got unceremoniously kicked out of her graduate program after a year of persecution, gaslighting, and accusations. She had been picked out for elimination for no damn reason by a mean, narcissistic monster/instructor.

After working through the university’s appeals process and coming up short, we hired an attorney and fired opening shots a few months ago. After delays and a bunch of hem-hawing around on the university’s part, we finally got the news that our appeal was successful.

OK, OK, it’s not completely codified and wrapped up in a neat little bow, but we have an initial, favorable settlement offer. While not stating it outright, the university admits there was a problem and has made an offer to rectify the situation.

I have been doing a happy dance for days and still can’t stop myself.



Susan Wheelock

Halloween loving retired public servant, and mom of three. Major league dog lover. Trying to age well. Always searching for the middle ground.