What Was I Thinking?

Is writing a memoir ever a bad idea?

Wm Raff


A package the size of a ream of paper covered in brown craft paper and tied with sisal twine.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Almost a decade after my dad passed away, Mom was packing up her room for a move from Boise ID to Olympia WA. She called to complain about my brother-in-law. He’d called me too, bragging about how much of her shit he’d already disposed of. “She’ll never miss it”, he said. I did not envy her station. Nearly 90, these were the challenges that life doled out. She had also found something I might be interested in. I should look for it in the mail.

It was heavy. About half a ream of paper. Brown paper packaging. I pulled on the brown sisal twine, slipping my fingers between the tape sealing the old bag she’d repurposed. What I saw next kinda took my breath away.

Dad’s handwriting covered the top sheet of paper.

My eyes took in the first sentence like a headline. It looked like a memoir. Newfound treasure!

“For what it’s worth.” That was the mood he waded in with. He began sketching his beginnings, birthdate and place.

I got up to make a cup of dark roast. Whatever I had planned that day, I canceled. You can do that when you’re the boss of your life.

I made a place for my brew, leaving a patch on the table where I could stack pages as I read. He only wrote on the one side. I noticed the similarities…



Wm Raff
Writer for

Pastor turned Atheist. Memorist sorting my exit from religion. Futurist via science fiction. WmRaff.com