When You Wake Up In A Dream

Two nights ago, I did

Joel R. Dennstedt
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2024


Image created by the Author on Midjourney

I’ve awakened in a dream only a few times in my life.

I’ve experienced vivid dreams more often. I’ve probably had more out-of-body experiences than awakening in my dreams. Each of these events is different. The subtleties involved are fascinating but not the focus of this piece.

I want to tell two stories about waking up in a dream.

The first reveals a few typical details regarding the process, the atmosphere, and possible reasons for it happening.

A few years back, I woke up in my dream. Unlike two nights ago, I don’t recall the prompt that made it happen. This becomes important if one wants to experience such a thing intentionally. I tried to do this many times using a technique suggested by one esoteric writer. The method sounded good, though it never worked for me. His notion was to set your intent at bedtime for finding your hands while dreaming. A trick for empowering this intent was to perform the act while awake. That is, several times during the day, make it a point to note the reality of your hands consciously.

However, any intent made while awake is difficult to engage while dreaming.

For me, it was impossible.

