Where You Direct Your Attention This Year is Where You Live Your Life

What does that have to do with the Year of the Dragon?

Runa Heilung 🌻


Woman lying on ground as if in conversation with the cement dragon face in front of her.
Image by Silvia from Pixabay

Happy New Year!

The Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology is all about hope, prosperity, and unity. This year’s dragon is a wood dragon, promising evolution, improvement, and abundance.

This sounds like great news, despite political turmoil and wars around the world. I think we can all agree that we could stand to see more hope, abundance, and unity.

In his Beautiful Minds newsletter on Substack, American cognitive scientist and author on topics of self-actualization Scott Barry Kaufman writes:

Want a richer, more meaningful, more beautiful, and more peaceful existence this year? Perhaps you don’t have to change who you are, but you can work on changing where you place your attention.

What are you focused on?

Where is your attention? Look at the last 40 or so days since the Gregorian calendar’s New Year's Day, if only to see how you might be living into this year already.



Runa Heilung 🌻
Writer for

Old Soul Alchemist. Shapeshifter. I use imagery and imagination as agents of transformation. Owner of pubs: Word Herding, Old Soul Alchemy, and Read Write Love