Why I Choose to Live in My Car

Tom Wheeler
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2024
Image by the author

I’ve been living in my car since August 2023, and what a fun, exciting, and surprisingly enjoyable experience it’s been. I’ve learned to be creative and resourceful, adapt to whatever conditions exist around me, and develop new habits and routines. To my amazement, the pros have far outweighed the cons. Welcome to my unconventional path to saving large sums of money, having more freedom, and satisfying my curiosity about this lifestyle.

I’ve never much cared for societal norms. I am an unconventional person at heart, so this lifestyle certainly has its appeal. I’ve discovered I am happiest whenever I stop trying to live a “normal” life. I take pleasure in living a very simple, minimalist life where I can spend abundant time outdoors and out in nature.

I have three primary reasons why I choose to live in my car. The number one reason is financial. I want to save money — lots and lots of money. Living in a car can save a considerable amount since the money you’d typically use to pay rent or mortgage stays in your pocket.

I have a regular full-time job but don’t have a high salary. I want to prioritize other things beyond just paying the landlord and bills. Most of my paychecks went towards rent, utilities, and essentials when I previously rented apartments. There wasn’t much left over for discretionary spending and even less for savings.

A typical no-frills one-bedroom apartment in my area costs around $1600, including utilities and internet. I’m saving $1600 monthly by living in a car, dramatically reducing my expenses. That money goes into my high-yield savings account instead of the landlord’s pocket.

Apartment living would mean living mostly paycheck to paycheck. I don’t want to live that way. Sure, you can save a little money by cutting back on restaurants, entertainment, vacations, and that morning cup of coffee from your favorite café. But these cuts pale compared to how much you can save by not paying rent.

I initially investigated buying a one-bedroom condo last summer. But there was very little inventory, and the interest rates were ridiculously high. I had enough money to put down 20%, but my mortgage would still be about the same as rent once you figured in condo fees, utilities, and internet. I can afford it, but I would be “house-poor.” I decided I didn’t want a mortgage either.

Had I purchased a condo with a mortgage last year, it would have cost me several hundred dollars a month in interest. Instead, I’m earning several hundred dollars in interest from my high-yield CDs and savings, which puts even more money in my pocket. I enjoy having all that extra money in the bank that I didn’t spend on rent or a mortgage. With my full-time job, my savings account is rapidly growing.

This brings me to why I want to put away as much money as possible. I want to save enough money to buy a condo in cash instead. Living in a car has been a great way to do just that. It also helps that I have no debts: no car payments, no loan payments, and no credit card debt.

My second primary reason was to have more freedom. Traveling, hiking, and exploring more often is a nice bonus with car life. Having all that extra money in my pocket that didn’t go to a landlord means I don’t have to worry about financing my weekend road trips or vacations. Not to mention, I can car camp instead of paying for a hotel room when I’m traveling. It makes for considerably cheaper vacations. More savings!

One interesting thing I have noticed is I feel like I have more free time. I still work the same hours but don’t spend time on trivial entertainment. I’m not sitting in front of the TV in an apartment for hours to unwind after work. During the week, I’m always going on nature walks or hiking after work. I can also go on road trips and travel on weekends.

I have found that living in a car helps discourage a sedentary lifestyle. I’m spending more time than ever outdoors and in nature. I’m also considerably less stressed about finances.

My third reason was just plain curiosity. I watched many YouTube videos of people living in their cars by choice and wanted to see if I could do it. How much comfort would I have to sacrifice? How viable was this? Can I do this with the small compact car I currently own? I had to try it. Watching all those videos helped me make the necessary changes and preparations. Hearing various perspectives also helped me set realistic expectations about living in a car.

The fourth reason was a bonus since I hadn’t initially set this as one of my primary goals. It has done wonders for my overall mental and physical health. I feel better and more alive than ever.

I initially thought living in a car would significantly sacrifice my quality of life. But I’ve been surprised at how I can live out of a car with relative comfort. It’s not a barely viable lifestyle you often see portrayed in mainstream circles. It’s been much more fun and exciting than living in a money-draining apartment. I’m no longer living to survive or get by. I’m not living paycheck to paycheck. I’m living my best life. I’m thriving. Who knew?

Living in a car has been an incredible reset and perception shift. I’m experiencing more joy, happiness, and contentment. I spend more time outdoors, connecting with nature. I experience less stress, more adventures, and more peace of mind. Yes, you give up a few comforts, but the benefits of this lifestyle far outweigh them — at least they do for me.

The key to successfully following this lifestyle has been spending very little time in my car. My vehicle is primarily used for commuting to and from work, running errands, and sleeping. Otherwise, I’m out of the car as much as possible. There’s a whole world to explore outside of your car.

Can I live in my car and handle this minimalist lifestyle? Yes! Saving so much extra money is worth a few minor inconveniences. I intend to live this way for the rest of 2024. I’ve been doing this for almost eight months. Can I keep doing this lifestyle for another year? I intend to find out and document my experiences along the way. I’m looking forward to this journey.


I have lived in my car since August 2023. You can follow my adventures on Facebook and Instagram



Tom Wheeler
Writer for

Unconventional human. Vegan. Minimalist. Introvert. Nature Lover. Documenting my experiences and adventures living in a car.