10 Emergency Funds & Grants for Artists and Freelancers During COVID19

Engagement Lab @ Emerson College


In the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, we have been considering ways to support communities in need and foster connectivity in a digital world. It has been encouraging, heartwarming and inspiring for us to experience the abundance of compassion and connectivity in the artistic and freelance communities as they create emergency funds, grants, and other resources for those impacted.

While this is not a comprehensive list and there are many resources out there to support specific regions and artistic practices — as well as informational resources on transitioning online — we have chosen to highlight these ten emergency funds due to their broader nature.

Convertkit’s Creator Fund

Convertkit launched a $50,000 fund to support active creators experiencing financial hardship due to COVID19 in four areas (medical, groceries, childcare, rent/mortgage). Funds will be disbursed at $500 per person.

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund

Arts Administrators of Color Network has set up the Arts Leaders of Color Emergency Fund in order to support those pursuing a career in arts or arts administration who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color. Funds will be disbursed at $200 per person.

Patreon’s What the Fund

Patreon’s What the Fund Grant Program is open to any creator, anywhere in the world being demonstrably impacted by COVID19.

Freelancer’s Union Relief Fund

The Freelancer’s Relief Fund will offer financial assistance of up to $1000 to each freelance household for expenses such as food supplies, utility payments, and cash assistance to cover income loss.


Leveler is a peer-to-peer donation fund serving as a tool to connect those who can help with those who need help, including artists, freelancers, and those working in the service industry.

Max’s Kansas City Emergency Funds

The max’s kansas city project provides emergency funding & resources to professionals in the creative arts. Aid is provided in the form of a grant not to exceed $1000 and awarded on a sliding scale. Grants are restricted to medical aid, legal aid, housing and will not cover past debts.

Artist Relief Project

The Artist Relief Project is providing short term relief for any artist in any discipline affected by COVID19 related closures and cancellations in the form of one-time stipends.

Twenty Summers Emergency Arts Fund

The Twenty Summers Emergency Arts Fund provides relief to both artists and arts organizations facing unmanageable financial losses due to COVID19 while also providing artists with a chance to promote their work from home. Applications & Nominations are being accepted through their Art Interrupted Program.

Freedimensional Creative Resistance Fund

The Freedimensional Creative Resistance Fund was created to support artists in situations of distress, particularly those using creativity to fight injustice.

Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant

The Foundation for Contemporary Arts is awarding one time $1500 grants to artists who have had an event or exhibition canceled due to COVID19. The artist’s work must be of an experiential or contemporary nature.

