How to Make Everyone Hate Your Presentation and Want More of It

Have you ever been in a meeting, training or at an event and felt like Charlie Brown during class. The presentation started great…for about 5 minutes and then became a drawn out “womp, womp, womp, womp, womp…”.

This is NOT what people want, and unfortunately, not every presenter knows this. Truthfully not every presenter cares. Luckily there is hope…for you at least.

If you ever find your self in front of the crowd, here are some strategies to make everyone hate your presentation while walking away wanting more!

“Everyone knows a great presentation is not about what is on the slide, it is about how it is presented.”


5 Sure Fire Tips for Impactful Presentations

Keep It Simple! — Everyone knows a great presentation is not about what is on the slide, it is about how it is presented. That’s why it is called a presentation and not a lecture!

Keep It About Them, Not You — We get it. You have spent hours, days, maybe even years learning all of this great information you are about to reveal to the world right? Kudos to you for your work, but this is not your time to shove your accomplishments and knowledge in everyone’s face.

“Take the information and develop creative ways to create buy-in from the participants. You spent time in your work, but remember they are investing time in attending your presentation.”

Keep It Relevant — All to frequent, people present what they think is great information and discoveries. Why this emphasis? Realistically, you can discover how to make glue appear out of thin air, but if nobody cares about glue, how effective will that presentation be? How relevant to the listener is that information?

Keep It Engaging I cannot stress this enough! People like to move, talk, laugh, have a good time…use this to your benefit. Need an example? Look at classrooms full of students. Which class would you rather be in? The class during test day, or the class during pizza day? Exactly.

And finally…

Keep It Short — I get it. How is this possible? I have so much to cover! This is true and can be managed if done right. Use a sandwich method for your presentation. Engage the audience, settle the audience for a data dump, engage the audience again, then settle them for more data. Then, for the exit, engage the audience so they leave on a high note.


If these tips are applied correctly, people will hate your presentation but want more. What will they hate? The part of presentations most people do…sitting and listening to someone talk about whatever for hours. What will they love? The engagement opportunities that helped the information make sense.

People love to have a good time. They will pay for a good time. Companies will pay for a good time. Make the presentation a good time and they will want more.

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