Thinking of wearing a mask after the pandemic? You’re not alone.

Nicolette Ricciardella, 20-years-old, who lives in Burbank, California

Nicolette Ricciardella, a 20-year-old college student, never imagined that wearing a mask would be part of her everyday life. The first time she put on a mask she did not think it would last long, but now she is considering wearing masks even after the pandemic is over.

COVID-19 cases in California have been increasing, and young adults who live in Los Angeles are taking this issue seriously. People from the ages of 18–25 are sharing their experiences on why they would consider wearing masks after the pandemic. These young adults consist of essential workers, students, and people who care about their loved ones. In places such as South Korea and Japan, wearing a mask while being sick is already a cultural norm. Could the West also adopt this ideology? After speaking to these young adults, they spoke about their experiences with masks and why they consider it a big issue.

Nicolette Ricciardella

“The world we live in will never be the same…”

Ricciardella is a lash technician who works from home, and is also a student at San Diego State University.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“I do see myself wearing a mask for a while because of the fact that I am becoming more aware of unsanitary habits of those around me as well as myself. Until I feel that everyone develops a system to keep everything sanitary and clean, I don’t see myself in public without a mask.”

Ricciardella says that “The world we live in will never be the same and now I just feel like taking a little more precaution will continue to keep my family and I safe.” In a state that has resulted in over 1 million confirmed cases, being safe for the sake of her and her family is a top priority for Ricciardella.

Stacey Yi, 20-years-old, who lives in La Crescenta, California

Stacey Yi

“ I think pre-pandemic me was extremely unhygienic.”

Yi is an employee for a fashion company, and is a student at the University of California, Santa Barbra.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“Once the pandemic is over, I do plan on wearing masks because the pandemic has shed light on how unsanitary and how lax our country is when it comes to basic public hygiene. I have lost a lot of trust in the public’s ability to keep everyone around them safe from basic colds, flus, or even unwashed hands.”

Yi says “I have considered myself to be a germaphobe but in retrospect, I think pre-pandemic me was extremely unhygienic.” Doing everyday things such as “opening doors” and “grabbing her steering wheel”, have become things that she now has to think twice about.

Jaden Varela, 20-years-old, who lives in Burbank, California

Jaden Varela

“ I’ve gotten used to wearing masks.”

Varela is an employee at an ice cream shop and is a student at San Francisco State University.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“I’ll probably wear masks in public, but not when I’m around my family. I’ve gotten used to wearing masks and they’re pretty comfy and they keep my face warmer during the winter.”

Leah Abramson, 19-years-old, who lives in La Crescenta, California

Leah Abramson

“I try to stand away from other people and keep space between us.”

Abramson is a student at the University of California, Davis.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“I think that I probably will wear masks in certain contexts after the pandemic is over. I’ll most likely wear them when I go to crowded, public places, like the grocery store or the mall. I think that I’d also wear them in the winter when everyone’s getting sick, or if I were sick to protect others.”

Carson Clarke, 20-years-old, who lives in Burbank, California

Carson Clarke

“People who don’t wear masks are usually people who don’t have any contact with people who are most affected.”

Clarke is a student at The University of Arizona.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“After the pandemic, I think I will probably not wear masks unless I am in a situation where I’m near people who are at risk of being seriously affected by COVID. If the pandemic is truly over then I see no point in wearing masks, unless there is still a small risk of contracting COVID.”

Elizabeth Campos, 20-years-old, who lives in San Gabriel, California

Elizabeth Campos

“I’ve learned to take things a little slower and will be taking these things with me whenever it is we get out of quarantine.”

Campos is a retail worker and student at California State University, Northridge.

After the pandemic is over, will you continue to wear masks?

“I definitely think I will, I think for me it all depends on looking at the numbers and science. If there’s more than a 5% chance I go outside and I can get COVID, I’ll be wearing my mask until then. I’ve been fortunately lucky so far, and with taking the right precautions, haven’t gotten COVID. I heavily believe it’s because I’ve worn my mask.”

Young adult’s lives will forever be changed because of this pandemic. Major life decisions for young adults are being delayed or prevented because of this pandemic. Relationships, economic factors, and living arrangements are just some of the many things that will affect young adults in the long run. Wearing a mask after the pandemic may not be as far-fetched as some people make it out to be.

