True merits, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes

Merit — earn, deserve

Nhan Tran
Giki! (EnGeek)
2 min readJul 6, 2017



Latin & Greek are the foundations of modern English — so learning them will help you master difficult English vocabulary at lightning speed ⚡️ Of course, Giki! will help you memorise these old words real fast too! 🚀

Latin word of the day: Merit — earn, deserve

1. Merit (n) /ˈmɛrɪt/ = merit (deserve) the quality of being good and deserving praise. 👏

Tim’s book has the merit of being both readable and informative. 📚

2. Meritorious (adj) /ˌmɛrɪˈtɔːrɪəs/ = merit (deserve) + ori + ous (being): deserving reward or praise. 🙏

Awards were presented to meritorious students. 🎓

3. Meritocracy (n) /ˌmɛrɪˈtɒkrəsi/ = merit (earned) + cracy (government): a country or social system in which people have power because of their ability. 🎩

This company is meritocracy (merit-based). Good work is rewarded with promotion. 💼 🎁

4. Meritocratic (adj) /mɛrɪtəˈkratɪk/ = merit (earned) + crat (government) + ic (relating to): merit-based, relating to meritocracy.

It’s so common for companies to believe that the tech industry is meritocratic.

5. Demerit (n) /dēˈmerət/ = de (down) + merit (deserved): a fault in something or disadvantage of something. 👎🏼

We need to consider both the merits and demerits of these proposals.

6. Emerita (adj) /əˈmerədə/ = e (out of) + merit (earned) + a: used to describing a woman who had retired but allowed to retain her title as honor. 👩‍🏫

When she retired, the university named her honorary professional emerita.

7. Emeritus (adj) /ɪˈmɛrɪtəs/ = e (out of) + merit (earn) + us: having retired but keeping the title of the position as an honor. 👨🏻‍🏫

She became Emeritus Professor of Biology when she retired.

Memory Tip: Merit sounds like marriage: Everyone DESERVES a good marriage, but they have to EARN it — a good marriage is hard work, and it doesn’t come to you easily.

