Welcome to Hotel California: such a lovely place, such a lovely face!

CAL = beautiful

Linh Pham (Louise)
Giki! (EnGeek)
2 min readJul 24, 2017


Latin & Greek are the foundations of modern English — so learning them will help you master difficult English vocabulary at lightning speed ⚡️ Of course, Giki! will help you memorise these old words real fast too! 🚀

Latin word of the day: CAL — beautiful

1. Calisthenics (n) /ˌkalɪsˈθɛnɪks/ = cal (beautiful) + sthenic (strength): physical exercise intended to develop a strong and attractive body.

Calisthenics usually involves simple movements like stretching, jumping, bending and kicking, etc. 🏸 🏋️ 🤽‍

Warm up before the weight-lifting session with stretching exercises, calisthenics and jogging.

2. Calligraphy (n) /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/ = cal (beautiful) + graphy (writing): beautiful handwriting or the art of producing this with a pen or brush

Many Chinese are skilled in calligraphy and illustrate verses in beautiful designs and sell them at art shows.

3. Calligrapher (n) /kəˈlɪɡrəfə/ = cal (beautiful) + graph (write) + er (person): a person who skill at art of calligraphy.

4. Kaleidoscope (n) /kəˈlʌɪdəskəʊp/ = kal (beautiful) + eido (shape) + scope (look): a toy in the shape of tube, that you look through to see different patterns of light made by pieces of colored glass and mirrors. (Kính vạn hoa 🌸🌺🌼)

a short Kaleidoscope video

Memory Tip: remember the song “Hotel CALifornia”? Such a beautiful place, such a beautiful face! 🎶

