QAnon is Right to Be Afraid for Children — but Not in the Way You Think

How family court has become complicit in child trafficking

Teri Yuan


Credit: Caroline Hernandez

For all the talk about child trafficking the conspiracy group QAnon does, you would think they would do a little research and use their platform to actually help children. No, there are no child sex dungeons in the basement of pizzerias. Democrats are not running child sex-trafficking cabals. There are, however, children being trafficked every day through the family court system, away from protective and safe parents, to abusive ones — usually fathers — who are using the family court, criminal court, and the child welfare systems, as yet, another weapon to hurt their partner or former partner.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Most of the posts you’ll see on social media will reference the impact of abuse, the often flawed statistics, but rarely will they make mention of the tactics abusers use to carry out their acts of deliberate cruelty and harm. What we need more of is a light shone on the ways in which all of us, as a society, and in our individual choices, look away when abuse comes into our lives and our inertia acts as the butterfly, whose flapping wings, sets off the tornado effect of contributing to millions of women and children across the globe living under the threat of terror…



Teri Yuan

Unapologetic intersectional feminist survivor. Twitter: @engenderedpod @engenderedcol; Instagram/FB: @engenderedpodcast @engenderedcollective