Sexism in the workplace & what to do about it

Ewelina Adamczak
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2021


Grab your heels and red lipstick because we’ll be fighting sexism in style

woman in black dress walking on sidewalk
Image Credit to Nadia Sitova

“I love living under a patriarchal system,” said no woman ever. What we say, how we behave, and our likes and dislikes are under great scrutiny from the minute we enter elementary school.

I mean, how many of us were taught at an early age that dolls are for girls, Legos are for boys? I know I was. And yet, I recall hating dolls with a passion, and having to play house was the worst nightmare I could think of. Yep. I was that kid who preferred sitting in a corner solving puzzles, drawing, and playing with Lego blocks rather than pretending to be the mother of some plastic Mattel doll (no offense, Barbie!).

Hmm… maybe that’s why I never fit in with the girls my age…

Anyway, you see my point. Girls are taught from an early age what interests they should have, which implants these ridiculously limiting notions in their minds of what they can and cannot do.

And guess what this does to the malleable, still developing brain of a toddler? It makes them more likely to follow a specific set of “rules” as to how they should behave and — *spoiler alert* — these maladaptive belief systems translate into adulthood.



Ewelina Adamczak

Helping others help themselves. Living life by the moment. Passionate about design, spirituality, psychology, writing, and all things deep.