The message is mainstream: PR wires have seen their day

Jason Kintzler
Engine Room
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2017

I’ve been beating this drum for 10 years now and I gotta say, it’s encouraging to see Entrepreneur Magazine explain what a mess the PR wire industry is.

I was happy to give my perspective on the “Press Release Industrial Complex” as Josh Sternberg puts it. Today, wires are for the laziest people in PR. If that’s offensive to you, you’re probably part of the problem.

Here’s an article I did from a few years back that spells out how the system all works — or in this case, doesn’t.

In 2018, PR is about more than copy and contacts. The power of authenticity can’t be overstated. From a PR perspective, it’s this transparency and genuine influence from passionate people that sets brands apart. If you want coverage, if you want people to write about what you’re doing, you need to be authentic. Because, as Simon Sinek puts it, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Join thousands of people who use Pitchengine to #standout instead of just polluting the web on the company’s expense.



Jason Kintzler
Engine Room

Founder/CEO @pitchengine. Challenge. Disrupt. Inspire.