Little things matter the most

A.J. Sapiens
Published in
7 min readMay 14, 2018

With the ever growing business standards across the world, only some businesses are able to create a real impact. Only some are able to reach their customers at heart and establish a connectivity that lasts longer than a single visit to their websites or shops or service centers.

Well, why does it happen? Why don’t all businesses make it to the market even when they carry similar ideas and technologies? What makes those some corporations or leaders so different?
The answer is quite simple. They know their customers. They don’t just provide some services to their customers, but they be of service to them. They target the hearts, not just minds. And that, makes all the difference.

Today, everyone wants to be understood. Anything that seems to be caring of your needs grabs a quick attention from your side. Even a tiny gesture of importance, makes you feel appreciated. And this feeling, matters the most. You must know how to satisfy your customers.The little things matter, in fact, sometimes, they are the only ones that do.

They do.

Let me give you some real-life examples to explain my point in a better way. Here are some stories, which were narrated to me, by the Co-founder of EngineerBabu, Mr. Mayank Pratap.
From Mr. Mayank Pratap’s real-life experiences :…………………………………….

  1. The one with the Pizza Delivery Boy

I had a friend, who was not well educated. He asked me if he could get a job in Indore or any other big city. I got him a job as a Pizza Delivery Boy in one of the Domino's chains in Indore, by recommending him to one of my connections in the city.
I knew he wasn’t making much money. I advised him with a small little trick. I told him that he could make some extra money if he changed a few small things.
I told him to call his customers when he leaves the restaurant, not when he reaches their residence/ office/ party place.

Ask them if they need anything other than the pizza. It could be a cigarette, or water bottle, or even some more balloons for their kid’s party. Make those things reach to them with their ordered pizza.” I said.
As it turned out, most of the customers were happy. In fact, he never had any order deductions even when he sometimes delayed the delivery by more than 30 mins. Everyone was pleased with this amazing pizza delivery boy.

Last month, he happened to earn 12,000 INR extra, from all the tips he got from the customers.

Moral : People are ready to pay when they feel understood and you are satisfying their needs and putting their comfort first. You just need to know them a bit. You need to realize that these little gestures DO MATTER!


2. The one with our “Office Boy cum Entrepreneur”

I have always believed that one good idea, no matter how small, is powerful enough to change your life. Here is a story of Raju Bhaiya (our office boy cum entrepreneur). One idea turned his total pay per month, equivalent to that of the Manager at our office. Here is the story of that idea :

Our office boy, Raju Bhaiya had an immense desire to do something big. His dreams never faded away from his eyes, so we decided to give them wings, so that they could finally fly.

An idea struck our brains for the same one day. We suggested him with this :

When people get home after a complete day spent at work, they are too tired to go to mandi (fruit and vegetables market), and of course they don’t. Eventually, they end up paying double the price for the leftover food and vegetables in the evening. As a result, they compromise with the quality, the money as well as their health.

[The vegetables in the Mandi are way cheaper and healthier than those at other markets. For example : If you go buy an apple from Geeta Bhawan ( it is one of the emerging commercial and residential points of Indore city), it would cost you Rs. 140/kg, whereas in the Mandi, you can get the same for about Rs.45/kg ]

How about he takes the pain to go to the Mandi to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of those people, and deliver it to them at their offices before they leave? People can give him the order in the morning and he can bring it to them in the evening.
This way, you get your order cheaper and fresh, and he gets to earn some extra money from something of his own, that could help him chase his dreams. Moreover, You just have to pay 10% of your order prize and he will be saving your 40%.

After a successful execution of this plan, Raju Bhaiya is earning double his salary, and simultaneously polishing his entrepreneurship skills. It is a win-win for the customers as well as him.

Raju Bhaiya, Our Young Entrepreneur
Responses on LinkedIn for the same

Conclusion : Just a little change, and such a huge difference in so many lives. This is what I am talking about.


3. The one with the Indian farmers complication

I come from a small town, where the daily income of most people is served by farming. When I went back to my town for a visit, many of these people came to meet me.

Their words pricked by heart. They said, “ Dau sahab, yahan fasal ka kuch nahi ho raha, paani nahi gir raha. Bhukhe mar jayenge, apni factory me laga lo humein” (Good sir, We are unable to grow our crops because of no rains and lack of water. Please give us some employment lest we shall die).

Listening to such words coming from a community that feeds millions of stomachs daily, brought tears to my eyes. They had not enough money to eat, let alone other needs or privileges. As a concern, I donated Rs. 10,000, but it was not a permanent solution. They were in severe crisis, and I could not leave them that way. I talked to one of the local politicians about this, and he was obviously not interested, as it wasn’t the ‘election season’.

And then, I got an idea!

Given : People have their farms. They work hard, and know how to do farming. In fact, are very skilled at it.

Problem : They don’t know what should be cultivated when, to increase the profits and efficiency. They can’t buy great machines to improve their return and productivity as they can’t afford such costly equipment. Their work and output is perceived to be dependable on the phrase “Bhagwan Bharose” (hopes bestowed on god), when some technical changes can help them take control in a better way.

Solution : I discussed this situation with a few of my clients who worked in the sectors of e-commerce and selling groceries online. I asked them if they were interested in investing or providing some sponsorship, if I give them good quality grains and pulses at a very low cost in bulk quantity.

They agreed to it as they were able to retrieve all the vegetables and grains directly from the farms, which were fresh, cheap and required low-cost transport.

I also talked to the farmers. They were ready to give their lands for a few years if they could get some monthly pay for the same. Let’s take Rs. 5000- 10,000 per month.
The farm still belongs to them, but they have to work there with a fixed salary and this variable depends on the profit that their produced stuff makes.

That way, they don’t lose their lands, and also make enough money.

Managing the cost:-

We have many farms. So, buying only one unit of water pumps, tractors and other machines could not only work for all of them, but also would be affordable.

I contacted a few people who can train the farmers about the agricultural needs and also what, how and when to cultivate for better productivity.

Some happy faces

If you can help these poor farmers, it would be a great deed on your part. And I ensure that this project is way more profitable than any other sourcing method because we are removing the middlemen and also, the complete production is at our end.

  • You get cheap and reliable labor. They wouldn’t want any holidays, as they are at their home only.
  • Less transportation cost, as all the vegetables and grains are coming from one place only.
  • You see happy faces and filled stomachs, which might just make your day everyday.
  • Because the farmers are happy and satisfied, they would work with more dedication to provide you and themselves with more production.

I posted this idea on Facebook to validate and the results are great. I got messages from government bodies and some social influencers that this idea can solve the farmers’ suicide problem.

The responses I received after I posted the idea on Facebook

We need such reforms. Soon.


You see that? One idea, one act of generosity, one insight, can bring such great changes. Little things matter the most. In fact, they are the only ones that bring ‘real’ changes. Win hearts, understand people, care for them, and you will see your game change, even commercially.

That’s all folks. Keep bringing little-great changes everywhere.

Written and Posted by :

Avani Jain (Content Writer at EngineerBabu)



A.J. Sapiens

I write to make sense of things in my soul and the universe. Find me on twitter: | Blog: