12 Cloud Commandments: Applying 12 Factor App Principles to Master Terraform — Part 4

Manish Warang
Engineered @ Publicis Sapient
10 min readJun 24, 2024


In the previous part of this series, we delved into how the 12 Factor App principles advocate for executing tasks as stateless, isolated processes. This approach helps prevent resource inefficiencies and system failures. By ensuring that background processes remain lightweight, scalable and resilient, we safeguard our infrastructure’s stability and efficiency.

Port Binding

Port binding was discussed as a crucial practice for ensuring efficient traffic distribution and high availability. We highlighted scenarios like port collisions and ephemeral port issues, emphasizing the importance of dynamic port mapping to avoid conflicts and ensure seamless scaling.


Concurrency involves managing multiple processes efficiently to prevent resource collisions. Using strategies like Terraform workspaces and state locking mechanisms helps maintain resource isolation and prevent conflicts, thus ensuring the stability and integrity of the infrastructure.

In the below part, we will continue our exploration of the 12 Factor App principles in the context of Terraform, focusing on additional principles and their practical applications.

Disposability — Maximize robustness with fast start-up and graceful shutdown

It’s the magic trick of your infrastructure show — it’s all about making things disappear without a trace. But beware the magician who forgets to clean up after themselves — keep your disposability tidy and your stage clear for the next act!

Scenario 1: The “Server Zombie Apocalypse”

Imagine you’re managing a fleet of servers in the Cloud, each responsible for a critical component of your application. Suddenly, one of them decides to play dead in the middle of the night, just like a tired toddler refusing to sleep. You try everything to revive it, from CPR (Cloud Provider Resuscitation) to offering it virtual chicken soup, but nothing works. Now you’re stuck in a server zombie apocalypse, where one unresponsive instance threatens to bring down your entire application like a house of cards. It’s like a horror movie where the villain is a stubborn piece of hardware instead of a masked maniac.

Scenario 2: The “Patchwork Quilt of Pain”

Picture this: you’re responsible for maintaining a legacy system that’s been around since the dawn of Cloud computing. Every time you need to apply a security patch or update a component, it’s like performing surgery on a Frankenstein’s monster of code. You’re forced to patch up holes and stitch together workarounds just to keep the system limping along like a wounded gazelle. The result? A patchwork quilt of pain, where every fix introduces new vulnerabilities and instability. It’s like trying to remodel a house made of Jenga blocks, where every change threatens to bring the whole structure crashing down.

Scenario 3: Lack of graceful shutdown handling in Terraform deployments

One common challenge faced by Cloud and DevOps engineers is ensuring the graceful disposal of resources when scaling down or updating infrastructure. Without proper handling, abrupt termination of resources can lead to data loss or service disruption. Let’s take the example of an auto-scaling group in AWS managed by Terraform. When instances are terminated due to scaling down or updating, there might be ongoing processes or connections that need to be gracefully handled to prevent data loss or service interruptions.

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "example" {
// Other configurations…
lifecycle {
// Graceful handling of instances during scale down
ignore_changes = ["desired_capacity"]
create_before_destroy = true

By utilizing Terraform’s lifecycle block, engineers can ensure that instances are gracefully replaced during updates or scaling down, allowing ongoing processes to complete without interruption.

In conclusion, the “Disposability” principle of the Twelve-Factor App is crucial for maintaining resilience and efficiency in Cloud infrastructure managed with Terraform. As Cloud and DevOps engineers, we face the challenge of gracefully disposing of resources during scaling down or updates. Without proper handling, abrupt terminations can lead to data loss or service disruption. By adhering to disposability principles, such as managing connections and processes effectively, we ensure a smoother transition during scaling events. With Terraform, leveraging features like lifecycle hooks and graceful termination policies, we can mitigate risks and enhance the reliability of our infrastructure. Embracing disposability not only fosters resilience, but also paves the way for seamless scaling and maintenance in dynamic Cloud environments.

Dev/Prod Parity — Keep development, staging and production environments as similar as possible

These are the twin towers of your infrastructure skyline — they should look alike, walk alike, and talk alike. But watch out for the evil twin who tries to steal the spotlight — keep your dev and prod environments in sync and your audiences guessing!

Scenario 1: The “Works on My Machine” Conundrum
You’ve spent hours perfecting your code in the cozy confines of your development environment. Everything seems to be running smoothly, and you’re ready to unleash your masterpiece into the wild. But as soon as you push it to production, disaster strikes. Your app crashes, users revolt, and chaos reigns supreme. What went wrong? It turns out, your development environment was a utopian paradise compared to the harsh realities of production. Different configurations, dependencies and environments can turn your code into a ticking time bomb. It’s like sending a penguin to the desert and expecting it to thrive — it’s just not going to happen.

Scenario 2: The “Mystery Bug” Saga
You’re on a mission to hunt down a pesky bug that’s been wreaking havoc in your production environment. You scour through logs, comb through code, and even consult the ancient scrolls of Stack Overflow. But no matter how hard you try, the bug remains elusive, like a ghost haunting your server room. The culprit? Dev/Prod disparity strikes again. What worked perfectly in your development environment is now causing chaos in production, thanks to subtle differences in configurations or dependencies. It’s like trying to solve a murder mystery where the clues keep changing every time you look away. Without parity between environments, you’re left scratching your head and cursing the heavens for your misfortune.

Scenario 3: Configuration Drift in Terraform Environments

Imagine you’ve diligently crafted your Terraform infrastructure code to provision resources for both your development and production environments. However, over time, subtle differences creep in between these environments due to manual changes or updates made directly in the console. This configuration drift can lead to inconsistencies and unexpected behavior when deploying new features or scaling up/down resources. For instance, let’s say in your development environment, you’ve set up a smaller instance type for cost efficiency, while in production, you’ve opted for larger instances to handle higher traffic loads. If these configurations aren’t reflected accurately in your Terraform code, you risk deploying changes that work perfectly in development, but fail in production, disrupting service availability.

In a nutshell, ensuring “Dev/Prod Parity” within your Terraform codebase is paramount for maintaining consistency and predictability across environments. By adhering to this 12 factor principle, you safeguard against the insidious drift that often plagues development and production setups. Imagine your development environment humming along smoothly with cost-efficient setups, only to encounter deployment nightmares when transitioning to production due to unnoticed disparities. With Dev/Prod Parity, you mitigate these risks, ensuring seamless scalability and reliable deployments. So, let’s champion this principle in our Terraform workflows, empowering teams to confidently manage infrastructure with cohesion and clarity, from development inception to production excellence.

Logs — Treat logs as event streams

They are the breadcrumbs of your infrastructure fairy tale — they lead you from the beginning to the happily ever after. But beware the breadcrumbs that lead you astray — keep your logs clear and your story straight!

Scenario 1: The Mystery of the Vanishing Logs

Picture this: you’ve just deployed a shiny new microservice into the Cloud, confident that it’ll revolutionize your company’s workflow. But as soon as it goes live, something strange happens — your logs start disappearing faster than socks in a dryer. You check your logging platform, only to find cryptic error messages like “404: Logs not found.” It’s like trying to solve a mystery with no clues and no detective. Without proper logs, debugging becomes a game of “Where’s Waldo?”, except Waldo is your crucial debugging information, and he’s nowhere to be found.

Scenario 2: The Great Flood of Logs

You’ve finally tracked down the source of that pesky bug that’s been plaguing your application for weeks. Victory is within your grasp…until you realize your logging system is spewing out more messages than a malfunctioning sprinkler system. Your logs are flooding your monitoring tools faster than you can say “log rotation.” It’s like trying to take a sip of water from a fire hose — overwhelming, messy and definitely not sustainable. Sorting through this deluge of information is like searching for a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of more needles than a porcupine on a sewing spree.

Scenario 3: Security Risks Due to Insecure Log Handling

Another common challenge faced by Cloud and DevOps engineers in Terraform environments is the potential security risks associated with insecure log handling practices. Inadequate protection of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or access tokens, within log files can expose the infrastructure to unauthorized access and data breaches. Consider a scenario where a Terraform script responsible for provisioning Cloud resources inadvertently logs confidential credentials in plaintext format. Without proper encryption or masking mechanisms in place, these sensitive details become vulnerable to exploitation by malicious actors, compromising the integrity and confidentiality of the entire infrastructure.

In conclusion, implementing the Logs principle of the 12 Factor App within Terraform scripts is paramount for ensuring robust security measures. By adhering to this principle, we mitigate the significant risk posed by insecure log handling practices. Safeguarding sensitive information like API keys and passwords within logs is imperative to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Incorporating encryption or masking mechanisms within Terraform code enhances confidentiality and integrity, fortifying the entire infrastructure against malicious exploits. As Cloud and DevOps practitioners, embracing the Logs principle not only aligns with best practices, but also underscores our commitment to building resilient and secure Cloud environments.

Admin processes — Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes

Admin processes are the gatekeepers of your infrastructure castle — they hold the keys to the kingdom and keep the riff-raff at bay.

Scenario 1: The “Sudo Spree” Syndrome
Imagine you’re the proud owner of the keys to the kingdom, bestowed upon you by the mighty ‘sudo’ command. You wield this power like a medieval knight with a broadsword, granting you access to every nook and cranny of your Cloud kingdom. But with great power comes great temptation, and soon you find yourself on a ‘sudo spree,’ granting elevated privileges left and right faster than a squirrel on a caffeine high. Before you know it, chaos ensues. Resources are misconfigured, security holes abound, and your once pristine infrastructure resembles a medieval battlefield. It’s a cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked admin access, where even the mightiest knights can fall prey to the allure of absolute power.

Scenario 2: The “Secrets Stash” Conundrum
In the quest to secure your kingdom, you’ve amassed a treasure trove of secrets: API keys, passwords, encryption keys, you name it. Like a dragon guarding its hoard, you stash these secrets away in the deepest, darkest corners of your infrastructure, hoping to keep them safe from prying eyes. But as any seasoned adventurer will tell you, secrets have a way of slipping through the cracks. Whether it’s a misplaced configuration file or a disgruntled employee turned rogue, your secrets are as vulnerable as a castle made of sand. And when they inevitably fall into the wrong hands, it’s not just your kingdom that’s at risk, but the entire realm of Cloud and DevOps. It’s a tale as old as time: the struggle to balance security with accessibility, where even the mightiest fortresses can crumble at the slightest misstep.

Scenario 3: Lack of Immutable Infrastructure in Terraform Workflows

Another challenge faced by Cloud and DevOps engineers is maintaining immutable infrastructure while managing Terraform workflows, which aligns with the Admin processes principle. In traditional setups, updates to infrastructure are often made in-place, directly modifying existing resources. However, this approach can introduce inconsistencies and make it challenging to rollback changes if issues arise. Suppose you’re deploying a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, and during an update, a misconfiguration causes instability. Reverting to the previous state becomes cumbersome without proper versioning and immutable infrastructure practices.

// Example Terraform code for deploying a Kubernetes cluster
// using immutable infrastructure
// Define Kubernetes cluster resources
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "example" {
name = "example-cluster"
role_arn = aws_iam_role.example.arn
version = var.kubernetes_version
vpc_config {
subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids
// Define immutable update process using Terraform
resource "null_resource" "k8s_update" {
triggers = {
eks_cluster_version = aws_eks_cluster.example.version
desired_version = var.desired_kubernetes_version
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "kubectl rollout restart deployment - all"

To mitigate this, it’s crucial to adopt immutable infrastructure principles in Terraform workflows. Rather than modifying existing resources, treat infrastructure as disposable and recreate it entirely for updates.

In conclusion, the Admin processes principle of the 12 Factor App highlights the significance of treating administrative tasks as one-off processes that run against a single, immutable release. When applied to Terraform workflows, this principle underscores the importance of maintaining immutable infrastructure to ensure consistency and reliability. By adhering to immutable infrastructure practices, Cloud and DevOps engineers can mitigate the risks associated with in-place updates, enabling smoother rollbacks and better management of resources. Embracing this principle not only enhances the stability of infrastructure but also streamlines the management of Terraform code, empowering teams to confidently navigate the complexities of Cloud provisioning.

In wrapping up, adopting the 12 Factor App principles in Terraform development is more than just a trend — it’s a game-changer for Cloud and DevOps engineers. These principles offer a roadmap for building resilient, scalable and maintainable infrastructure in the Cloud era. By applying concepts like declarative formats, dependency management, and strict isolation, teams can elevate their Terraform workflows to new heights of efficiency and reliability.

Whether you’re provisioning Kubernetes clusters or spinning up serverless functions, integrating these principles ensures consistency across environments, and simplifies the management of complex infrastructure-as-code projects. From enhancing collaboration to enabling seamless deployments, the 12 Factor App principles serve as a guiding light for modern Cloud architecture.

So, as we forge ahead in this era of rapid innovation, let’s not forget the timeless wisdom embedded in these principles. Let’s embrace them, iterate upon them, and together, let’s build the resilient infrastructure of tomorrow, one Terraform module at a time.

More Read

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



Manish Warang
Engineered @ Publicis Sapient

Cloud Architect | Writing about cloud solutions, architecture, and innovation. Follow for insights and practical tips.