Seamless Infrastructure Management: Harnessing StackStorm and Monitoring for Automated Remediation

Vivek Pemawat
4 min readJul 29, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and complex IT environments, failures and issues are inevitable. When these failures occur, organizations need an efficient and proactive approach to resolve them quickly and minimize their impact. This is where automated remediation comes into play.

Automated remediation infrastructure acts as Tier 1 support, providing an automated system that can detect, troubleshoot, and fix known problems in real-time. It serves as the first line of defence, handling common issues and escalating to engineers when necessary.


In this architecture, the left side represents the monitored services, while the right side consists of StackStorm, an event-driven system, integrated with Prometheus as the monitoring system. The goal is to enhance the auto-remediation capabilities beyond just sending alerts to Slack.

Services: On the left side, various services are set up and monitored. These services may include test environments, testing tools, databases, servers, and other components crucial for QA processes.

  1. Prometheus Monitoring System: Prometheus serves as the monitoring system, actively monitoring the availability and health of the services. It detects when a service becomes unreachable or experiences anomalies and generates alerts to notify relevant parties via Slack channels.
  2. StackStorm Integration: On the right side, StackStorm is integrated with Prometheus to enhance the auto-remediation process. StackStorm acts as an event-driven automation system, extending the capabilities of the monitoring system.
  3. Event Triggering: Prometheus not only sends alerts but also triggers events based on specific conditions or issues detected within the infrastructure. These events are captured by StackStorm, allowing for further automated actions.
  4. Event-Driven Automation: StackStorm leverages the triggered events to initiate predefined workflows for auto-remediation. These workflows consist of a series of steps and actions to be executed automatically in response to specific events.
  5. Remediation Actions: Within StackStorm, you define and configure remediation actions to be performed based on the triggered events. These actions can include restarting services, reconfiguring environments, executing diagnostic scripts, rolling back deployments, or any other necessary remediation steps.
  6. Integration with Infrastructure: StackStorm integrates with the relevant systems and services in the infrastructure to execute the remediation actions. It can interact with cloud platforms, make API calls, execute commands on servers, or utilize other integrations required for specific remediation tasks.
  7. Auto Remediation and Slack Notifications: As StackStorm performs the automated remediation actions, it can provide real-time updates and notifications via Slack or other communication channels. This ensures that the relevant teams are informed about the ongoing remediation process.

By combining Prometheus as the monitoring system and StackStorm as the event-driven automation platform, this architecture enables a proactive approach to auto-remediation in the infrastructure. It goes beyond simple alerts and triggers automated actions to resolve issues promptly, minimizing downtime and streamlining the deployment process.

About Stackstorm

StackStorm is an open-source event-driven automation platform designed to integrate and automate workflows across various systems and services. It enables organizations to enhance their operational efficiency by automating routine tasks, orchestrating complex processes, and integrating different tools and technologies.

Key Features of StackStorm:

  1. Event-Driven Automation: StackStorm is built around the concept of events and triggers. It listens for events from different sources, such as monitoring systems, ticketing systems, or external APIs, and triggers workflows based on predefined rules and conditions.
  2. Workflow Automation: StackStorm allows the creation of workflows by defining a sequence of steps and actions. Workflows can include a wide range of tasks, such as running scripts, executing commands on remote servers, making API calls, sending notifications, or interacting with cloud platforms.
  3. Extensive Integration: StackStorm provides a vast library of integrations with popular tools, services, and APIs, allowing seamless integration and automation across different systems. It supports integration with monitoring systems, ticketing systems, version control systems, cloud platforms, chat platforms, and many more.
  4. Orchestration and Coordination: StackStorm enables the coordination and orchestration of complex processes involving multiple systems and services. It allows the execution of parallel tasks, conditional branching, error handling, and decision-making within workflows.
  5. Rule-Based Automation: StackStorm allows the creation of rules that define conditions and triggers for workflow execution. These rules can be based on event types, patterns, severity levels, or any other relevant criteria, enabling precise control over the automation process.
  6. Scalability and Resilience: StackStorm is designed to handle high volumes of events and workflows efficiently. It provides features like clustering, distributed task execution, and fault tolerance, ensuring scalability and resilience in large-scale automation deployments.
  7. Monitoring and Auditing: StackStorm offers built-in monitoring and logging capabilities, providing visibility into the automation process. It allows tracking and auditing of workflow executions, event processing, and actions taken, enabling troubleshooting, analysis, and compliance requirements.
  8. Community and Extensibility: StackStorm has an active and vibrant community of users and contributors, providing support, sharing automation packs, and contributing to the development of new integrations and features. The platform is highly extensible, allowing users to create custom integrations and actions tailored to their specific needs.

Overall, StackStorm provides a powerful automation framework that enables organizations to streamline their operations, reduce manual efforts, and improve productivity. By leveraging event-driven automation, workflow orchestration, and extensive integrations, StackStorm empowers businesses to automate repetitive tasks, respond to events in real-time, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

