Internationalization with ease, in Game Closure through DevkitHelper

Engineering @ HashCube
2 min readJun 3, 2016

We have a module in DevkitHelper project, called i18n, which helps you to support multiple languages with ease. It uses JSON based localization file format.


Add DevkitHelper to dependencies section of your manifest.

“dependencies”: {
“DevkitHelper”: “"

How to use

Create a folder languages, inside the resources folder and add json files for the languages which you want to support. Then in source code side, import DevkitHelper.i18n on top and call i18n(‘key’), where key is the key in the json file.

For eg.

// resources/languages/en.json
“welcome-message”: “Hello World!”
// resource/languages/fr.json
“welcome-message”: “Bonjour le monde”
// src/Application.js
import ui.TextView as TextView;
import DevkitHelper.i18n as i18n; // Important
exports = Class(GC.Application, function () {
this.initUI = function () {
var view = new TextView({
superview: this,
layout: ‘box’,
centerX: true,
centerY: true,
color: ‘white’,
text: i18n(‘welcome-message’)

That’s all. No need to add any special code. i18n handles the language based on user’s device.



If you don’t have a value in a language, the module will fallback to English.

// resources/languages/en.json
“welcome-message”: “Hello World!”,
“title”: “Game Closure Project”
// resource/languages/fr.json
“welcome-message”: “Bonjour le monde”
// for a device with English language
// Output: “Game Closure Project”
// for a device with French language
// Output: “Game Closure Project”


Messages can take parameters. Values need to be passed in an array when you call i18n.

// resources/languages/en.json
“level-title”: “Level $1”
“goal”: “Solve $1 puzzles in $2 $3”
i18n(‘level-title’, [‘100’]);
// Output: Level 100
i18n(‘goal’, [2, 30, “Minutes”]);
// Output: Solve 2 puzzles in 30 Minutes


To make the syntax of sentence correct, some times plural forms are required. Based on the variable you are passing, i18n module can determine whether to show singular of a word or plural.

// resources/languages/en.json
“goal”: “Solve $1 {{$1 | 1: Puzzle | 2: Puzzles}}”
i18n(‘goal’, [1]);
// Output: Solve 1 Puzzle
i18n(‘goal’, [2]);
// Output: Solve 2 Puzzles

In the case of English, there are only 2 plural forms, but many languages use more than 2 plural forms. For those you can add plural forms with a separation of a pipe(|).

Force a language

You can force the module to get string from a particular language. For that pass the language code as third parameter for i18n.

// resources/languages/en.json
“welcome-message”: “Hello”,
// resource/languages/fr.json
“welcome-message”: “Bonjour”
// for a device with having English language
i18n(‘welcome-message’, [], ‘fr’)
// Output: “Bonjour”
// for a device with having French language
i18n(‘title’, [], ‘fr’)
// Output: “Bonjour”

We wrote this module inspired from Wikimedia foundation’s jQuery.i18n module.

