New Article Weekend Hat Trick

Trent Polack
Joy Machine
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2 min readMay 29, 2017

So, hi! I’m trying this letter thing, because I’ve been reading all the Medium help articles and they suggested I do that. And I listen to the internet when it tells me to do things.

First of all: Engineering Joy’s proper home is now at: It will be replacing the Wordpress-hosted blog that we were using previously for Joy Machine with the Medium one at the aforementioned address. Additionally, I’m trying to write more frequently, which I’ve found is best facilitated by writing about more than just intense development/game design articles; so, I’m in vaguely-structured-ramble mode for a while on things I’ve been thinking about for a long time now. Let me know if they’re awful so I can stop. Also if the letter feature is awful, also let me know. I’m just doing what the site told me, okay?!

Now, new posts!

  • Software for Game Development, Business/Project Management, Writing, and Life — Basically, here’s just a big ol’ list of what I’ve found that works best for most of the things I do on a computer machine.
  • Purpose Power in Business — How my pursuit of making what started out as a little art sandbox into a full game and a company/team to develop it got me through one of the roughest times in my life.
  • The Serial Entrepreneur vs. Just Starting a Thing (vs. the Omniscient Entrepreneur) — This was probably my favorite one to write in a while, because after reading enough articles about business on the internet, you start reaching a point where an equivocated maxim of “how to do things and be a success” with no real context/story to back it up is enough to throw you into a hulk fury. I also think “serial entrepreneur” is a strange thing for people to title themselves. Also: given that this hasn’t changed at all in my life, I’m likely going to be a hopeless idealist forever.





Trent Polack
Joy Machine

Founder and CEO of Joy Machine. Making games for more than a decade as a developer, designer, effects & technical artist, creative director, and producer.