Interview with PCGamesN

I did an interview with PCGamesN a few weeks ago with Jeremy Peel to talk about Steel Hunters, its guiding design…

A Systemic Approach to Game Design: Part Two

About this time last month, I broached the wide, wide subject of system-oriented design. That was intended as a very high-level piece to kind of set the tone for posts-to-come, and this is one of those… Posts… That is… Well… Here now by the time you’re…

Engine Development

I integrated the 4.14 release of Unreal Engine 4 into my custom fork early last week. The 4.14 UE4 update was pretty great. So, since I have a fairly good workflow in place to (relatively) easily merge in UE updates into my fork, I did so.

Joy Machine
Joy Machine
Trent Polack’s blog for game development, game design, and… games. Also: technical art, visual effects, programming, Unity, Unreal Engine 4, and a lot of rambling.
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