A brief guide to upskilling your tech team

The Educative Team
Engineering Manager Hub
4 min readMay 13, 2024

What is upskilling?

Upskilling is the strategy of enhancing team members’ current abilities by empowering them with new skills. The recent surge in digital transformations across industries has led to a significant increase in the demand for tech skills. There’s a growing need for employees with the right technical expertise to support and drive these digital initiatives.

The importance of upskilling your tech team

In order to keep up with the evolving demands of the tech industry, engineering managers need to invest in upskilling in order to boost their team’s expertise and prepare their organization to tackle challenges as they arise. The goal is to keep the tech team agile, informed, and ready to navigate the tech landscape. To effectively upskill your team, it is essential that you have the right training tools. Some of the most common ways to upskill tech teams are as follows:

  1. Online learning: Online platforms offer technical courses that come with certificates demonstrating that your team has learned new skills. At DevPath, we have a plethora of courses that tech teams can choose from depending on their needs.
  2. Workshops: Another way to upskill your tech team is to encourage workshops. These are great for learning from experts and keeping up with industry trends.
  3. Practical training: There is no better learning than actually immersing yourself in a task and dealing with new tasks that challenge your current skill set. Engineering managers should provide their tech team with the support they need in working on these types of tasks.

The benefits of upskilling your tech team

Upskilling your tech team brings numerous benefits, such as the following:

  • Fosters innovation
  • Improves productivity
  • Boosts employee retention
  • Enhances job satisfaction

Fosters innovation

A team that’s up-to-date with the latest technologies and methodologies is more likely to innovate and find creative solutions to challenges.

Improves productivity

As your team members acquire new skills and enhance existing ones, their ability to manage more complex tasks improves. They will also be better able to utilize new tools and techniques, which improves their work efficiency and results in increased productivity.

Boosts employee retention

Investing in your employees’ growth demonstrates that you value them. This enhances their job satisfaction and also increases the likelihood of them staying with your company long-term.

Enhances job satisfaction

Learning new skills can increase your team’s confidence and satisfaction in their roles. When employees feel more competent and motivated, they have higher job satisfaction.

How to upskill your tech teams

Upskilling your tech teams is a rigorous process with five major steps:

  1. Review objectives.
  2. Assess skill levels.
  3. Set realistic goals.
  4. Track progress.
  5. Receive feedback.

Review objectives

The first step in crafting a plan for upskilling your tech team involves a thorough review of the company’s strategic objectives. The skills that will be crucial for your team in the future depend on what the company focuses on and the direction it aims to adopt.

Track skill levels

When it comes to upgrading your tech team’s skills, the first step is understanding where they currently stand. This is achieved by conducting a thorough evaluation of their existing skills and identifying areas that need improvement. Gap analysis and performance reviews are incredibly useful tools that help highlight areas that require upskilling and also set a clear path for upskilling.

Set realistic goals

The next step is to establish SMART goals. This involves a careful consideration of your team’s current skill levels, the resources you have at your disposal for training purposes, and the timeframe within which you aim to reach these goals. It’s important to set targets that are challenging yet attainable in terms of the practical aspects of training.

Track progress

Once an upskilling program has been implemented, it’s vital to track individual progress and assess team members’ skill improvements. Engineering managers should conduct performance reviews for consistent evaluations. It’s equally crucial to observe if there’s been an increase in the efficiency of project completion and to determine how the enhanced skills are influencing the team’s performance.

Receive feedback

Engineering managers should urge team members to provide feedback on their experiences with the upskilling training. Each member can voice their concern about areas where they feel they need improvement or discuss new skills that they’re interested in acquiring. If certain training techniques are not producing the expected results, managers explore alternative methods.

Final word

Upskilling provides professionals with the necessary skills for more strategic tasks. The focus is on continuous learning and career development. It’s important to remember that different people learn in different ways. For instance, some might like structured online courses, while others might prefer learning by actually working on tasks. Offering various types of learning options can help meet everyone’s needs.



The Educative Team
Engineering Manager Hub

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