Your Developers’ Morale Matters More Than You Think

Alex Ponomarev
Engineering Manager’s Journal
5 min readDec 13, 2023

A strong culture is key to creating awesome software and keeping your developers motivated. Too often, managers underestimate how much culture matters. It’s like in farming — the soil you plant your seeds is as important as the seeds. For developers, the cultural soil shapes what they can accomplish as a team. It impacts everything — how clean their code is, how well they collaborate, who sticks around long-term, and how much they can innovate.

How Not to Run an Engineering Team

Imagine working at the worst company ever. No matter how many Red Bulls you drink, your workload seems impossible. They expect 80-hour weeks to be normal, piling on feature after feature without considering the impact. It’s been months since you went home before midnight or saw your friends. All your code has become an undocumented mess just to move fast and break things per the Facebook motto they love quoting. Who cares if no one else understands it?

The chaos of production incidents seems to happen daily now. Because best practices and planning take time — something management doesn’t want to “waste.” At project meetings, people just vent rather than collaborate. Every conversation feels like a competition. Upper management breathes down everyone’s necks instead of mentoring.

You noticed your most talented coworker started crying at her desk yesterday when the CTO publicly insulted her code. Rather than try to improve morale, they swiftly fired her with a generous severance package dependent on her silence. The third person pushed out this quarter.

As you scroll through the emptying Slack channels and rubble of institutional knowledge, you know deep down the culture here is dangerously toxic and volatile. But leadership seems oblivious or indifferent to all the talent jumping ship. You wonder how much longer until the overworked staff left behind also walks or collapses entirely from stress, including yourself.

What Makes a Great Team Culture?

When we talk about “software development culture,” we’re looking at what makes up the day-to-day experience of being an engineer on your team. What’s the vibe in the virtual hallways? Do people collaborate smoothly or stick to their own cubes? Is the pace frenzied or thoughtful? Those little details add up to each team’s unique personality.

As an engineering manager, you get to nurture that team culture. It’s not something to leave up to chance. Like any relationship, your team’s dynamics take a little tending.

Start with the basics — how do teammates treat each other daily? Are they collaborative and helpful, or territorial and impatient? Foster an atmosphere where everyone communicates constructively. You want your developers to enjoy working together, not just tolerate it.

Make sure your quality standards are explicit so new hires can quickly plug into the flow. But leave room for fresh ideas and creativity, too. The goal is consistency, not conformity.

Keep an eye on pace and workload when setting deadlines. Make sure folks aren’t burning the midnight oil out of necessity rather than passion. Balance focused work with opportunities for breaks, collaboration, and learning. Developers need downtime to recharge.

Growing team relationships might not seem as glamorous as building cutting-edge tech. But when done right, it lets amazing human potential shine through.

Feeling the Strain of a Negative Culture

A negative culture can really hurt a dev team. I’ve seen it happen. Things slide downhill quickly when nobody feels accountable for quality work. Bugs pile up as we rush to slap more features into a rickety codebase. No one talks about best practices or lessons learned from past mistakes. The same wheels get reinvented again and again.

And the atmosphere turns ugly. Nerves fray when the pressure’s always dialed up. People get snappy and disrespectful, dreading coming into work and exhausted before the day even starts. Talent drifts away bit by bit until suddenly, your best architect is up and quits.

Now you’re left with a motley crew of newbies, rent-a-coders, and folks with one foot out the door. But the work keeps cascading in. Technical debt mushrooms until even tiny changes take forever. Bugs swarm like locusts no matter how many all-nighters your team pulls. It’s a mess.

See the Power of a Support

You’ll find that people thrive when you create an environment focused on excellence and their well-being. Developers want to work for companies that make them feel supported and cared for while upholding high standards. Word will spread about your organization’s reputation as a workplace where people create meaningful work in a nurturing environment.

In the day-to-day, this culture directly fuels innovation and productivity too. Something powerful happens when people communicate openly, collaborate, and feel at ease together. They share ideas, catch issues early, and do their best work when feeling energized and empowered, not stressed and overburdened.

Building a Development Culture

Creating a genuinely supportive development culture should be a top priority. Make sure your teams feel empowered and valued — this pays off big time.

First up, set clear quality guidelines balancing depth and speed. Help your developers understand that robust, future-ready code is as valuable as quick-and-dirty solutions — both approaches must be used at the right time and place.

Help you people maintain work-life balance. Discourage overtime as the norm, be open to flexible schedules when possible, and walk the talk yourself. When developers feel you’ve got their back, that trust and goodwill flow both ways.

Give your teams autonomy on their projects as well. While maintaining shared standards, let creativity flourish in approaches. Developers who feel trusted to take the lead consistently shine brighter.

Finally, build in process reviews and keep channels wide open for feedback. Be ready to try new tools and upgrade workflows. That growth mindset keeps everyone progressing.

Do this, and your teams will pour passion into their work while avoiding burnout. That means better code, stronger retention, and happier bottom lines for you. For them, jobs where they can thrive and grow. That’s how you build something great together.

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Alex Ponomarev
Engineering Manager’s Journal

Passionate about remote work, building processes, workflows, tech teams and products. Love exploring the rocky coast of Portugal with my dog Misha.