What Is An Anemometer? What Are The Types Of Anemometer?

Anemometers are a device often used, especially in meteorological stations, wind measurement stations, and scientific studies related to aerodynamics.

Mr. Huseyin
Engineering Tips


Photo by RitaE on Pixabay

In this content, we have compiled anemometers that measure the speed and direction of the wind, which are used as a measurement tool in the meteorology and wind power generation sector. What is this anemometer in our content? What Are The Types Of Anemometers? you will find the answers to such questions.

What Is An Anemometer?

An anemometer is a device used to measure wind speed, direction and pressure. Anemometer is derived from the Greek word anemos, which also means wind. It is often used in meteorology and wind measurement systems. The first identification of anemometer was made by Leon Battista Alberti in 1450.

What Are The Types Of Anemometers?

There are many varieties of anemometers. Usually anemometers are divided into two basic groups as velocity and pressure anemometers.

Speed Anemometers

They are types of anemometers that directly measure the speed of the wind. The most commonly used are…



Mr. Huseyin
Engineering Tips

Someone who likes to write in many fields, especially technology, science and education