Integrating MoPub + Tyroo SDK v1.1.7 (Android)

Sukhpal Singh
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2018

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to serve Tyroo Native video and Interstitial video ads using MoPub mediation network.

This sample app includes Tyroo Video Ad SDK v1.1.7, MoPub SDK v5.0.0 and Custom Event classes used for Interstitial Ad and Native Ad.


The code samples in this document can be copy/pasted into your source code.

Tyroo supports only Interstitial ads and native video ads via MobPub Mediation Network.

If you have any questions, contact us via

Before You Begin

  • The Tyroo Android SDK has been tested with MoPub 5.0.0 and therefore you are recommended to use MoPub 5.0.0 or above.
  • MoPub must be set up in your app before starting this tutorial. For a step-by-step guide, refer to MoPub’s Getting Started Guide for Android.
  • The MoPub Dashboard does not include Tyroo SDK Adapters in their mediation network list, so you have to write custom event classes for Interstitial Ads and Native Ads. You can copy/paste packages from the above source code i.e. com.mopub.mobileads or com.mopub.nativeads
  • You will need Tyroo Placement and Package Name reference IDs to complete mediation setup with MoPub. Contact for gettign these ids.
  • Read out Tyroo SDK setup offical documentation here
  • Read out Tyroo Interstitial Ad Setup official documentation here
  • Read out Tyroo Native Video Ad Setup official documentation here

Set up Tyroo Custom Event with MoPub Mediation Network

In this configuration, your application communicates with the Mopub SDK, which in turn requests content from the Tyroo SDK. Native or Interstitial information is passed from Tyroo’s SDK to your application via mediation.

Here is a diagram showing the flow of information in a Tyroo-Mopub custom event mediation:

Tyroo+MoPub Mediation

Step 1: Tyroo and MoPub SDK Setup in your App

In your application project root build.gradle file, make sure jCenter repository is added:

Add Tyroo and MoPub SDK dependency to your application project build.gradle:

Step 2: Adding Custom Events in app project

Custom events allow you to support native ad networks not bundled with the MoPub SDK, or to execute any of your application code from the MoPub web interface.

To show Tyroo Interstitial Ad via MoPub mediation network you need to write custom event classes inside /src/main/java/com/mopub/mobileads/ directory in your app’s project.

Similarly, to show Tyroo Native Video Ads via MoPub mediation network you need to write custom event classes inside /src/main/java/com/mopub/nativeads/ directory in your app's project.

In this sample project, we have already written custom events for your reference. You can copy/paste these custom events packages into your project.

Step 3: Adding Custom Evets MoPub Dashboard

  1. Login into your MoPub account
  2. Navigate to “Networks” tab and click “Add a Network”

3. Scroll down to Custom SDK Network and Select:

4. Fill out the network details and click next button:

5. Inside App and Ad Unit Setup:

  • If you are using Interstitial Ad Unit, add com.mopub.mobileads.TyrooInterstitial under the Custom Event Class section.
  • If you are using Native Ad Unit, add com.mopub.nativeads.TyrooVideoNative under the Custom Event Class section.
  • Add your Tyroo Placement ID​ and Package Name, and all extra Reference IDs​ in JSON format under the Custom Event Class Data(Both for Interstial and Native Ad Unit)​.
  • Data entered in JSON format will be received in custom event classes in serverExtra Map<String, Object> format.
  • Make sure you have got the valid placement ID and package name from Tyroo Support Team.

6. Click Save and Close.

Step 4: App Level Configuration and set localExtras(Map<String, Object>) to enable video caching

Tyroo support only video ads and publisher can cache these videos data for better user experience. To enable video caching, publisher needs to enable cache(true/false). In case of mediation, publisher can enable/disable video caching at code level while requesting for an ad using setLocalExtras(Map<String, Object> extras) method.

For Example:

private void loadInterstitialAd() {        Map<String, Object> enableVideoCachingMap = new HashMap<>();
enableVideoCachingMap.put("enable_video_cache", true);
moPubInterstitial = new MoPubInterstitial(this, AD_UNIT_ID_INTERSTITIAL);
private void loadNativeAd() {
moPubNative = new MoPubNative(this, AD_UNIT_ID_NATIVE, moPubNativeListener );
// Set up a renderer for a static native ad.
final MoPubStaticNativeAdRenderer moPubStaticNativeAdRenderer = new MoPubStaticNativeAdRenderer(
new ViewBinder.Builder(R.layout.native_ad_list_item)
// Set up tryoo video native ad ViewBinder
ViewBinder binder = new ViewBinder.Builder(R.layout.tyroo_video_native_ad)
final TyrooVideoAdRenderer tyrooVideoAdRenderer = new TyrooVideoAdRenderer(binder); Map<String, Object> enableVideoCachingMap = new HashMap<>();
enableVideoCachingMap.put("enable_video_cache", true);

You’re finished! In order to make sure that all the functions are working properly, please make sure that you test the mediation implementation prior to release on play store.



Sukhpal Singh

Mobile Application Developer at Smile Internet Technologies