Digital Therapeutics: The Frontier of Modern Medicine

Hansung Jang
Engineering WRIT340
9 min readMar 11, 2024

Contact Information

Name: Hansung Jang

Campus: USC, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Email Address:


The evolving landscape of medicine now encompasses digital therapeutics, an innovative approach to treatment that transcends traditional medication. This article delves into the concept of digital therapeutics, illustrating its potential to revolutionize healthcare through technology. With the continuous advancement of technology, medical treatments have expanded beyond conventional forms, introducing digital therapeutics as a groundbreaking option. This exploration highlights the effectiveness of such treatments in enhancing patient care and outcomes. Moreover, the article seeks to demystify digital therapeutics for the general populace, emphasizing the importance of embracing this modern healthcare solution. Through examples and evidence-based research, the potential benefits and challenges of digital therapeutics are analyzed, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of its role in contemporary medicine. This piece underscores the necessity for healthcare professionals and patients alike to become acquainted with digital therapeutics, fostering a more inclusive and technologically advanced healthcare landscape.

Biography of the Author:

Hansung Jang is a senior at the University of Southern California, majoring in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Before his academic pursuits, he worked as an acupuncturist for five years and is currently aspiring to enter Dental School.

Keywords: Digital Therapeutics, Modern Medicine, Health Technology, Patient Care, Innovative Treatment, Healthcare Revolution

What is medication? Is there a limitation on the form it can take? Commonly, we are familiar with oral medications that we ingest, injections that are directly administered into the body, and even cell therapies. Today’s medicine is not limited to just drugs or treatment methods. With the remarkable advancement of technology, a new innovation known as digital therapeutics has emerged. This approach treats diseases through software, significantly expanding traditional medical approaches. Eddie Martucci, the CEO of Akili Interactive, a company that has developed a digital therapeutic for children with ADHD, has said, “It’s not a ‘game’ that has therapeutic effects, but rather a ‘therapeutic’ in the form of a game.” This exploration into digital therapeutics not only illuminates their capacity to transform healthcare but also highlights the critical need to make these advancements an integral part of our healthcare landscapes. This transition marks a defining moment in the history of medicine, heralding a future where healthcare is proactive, personalized, and seamlessly integrated with the digital domain. This paper underscores our steadfast commitment to understanding and incorporating this modern healthcare innovation, aiming to unveil the potential of digital therapeutics and ensure their accessibility to a broader audience. By doing so, we emphasize the importance of adopting this avant-garde approach to healthcare, ensuring that patients globally can leverage the remarkable opportunities it presents.

As we reflect on the transformative potential of digital therapeutics in reshaping healthcare, it’s fascinating to consider the unexpected journey from viewing computer games as mere entertainment to recognizing them as impactful therapeutic interventions. Growing up, I preferred playing computer games over studying. Catching a monster with my attacks was more fun than solving complex equations, and seeing my game character level up was more enjoyable than getting good grades in school. Most of the students who grew up with me felt similarly, and to our parents, these games were seen as the axis of evil blocking our futures. Now, such games have emerged as therapeutics.

In a journal published by Nature in 2013, an article titled “Video Game Training Enhances Cognitive Control” was presented. The content of this paper demonstrates that playing video games has a positive effect on cognitive ability and brain development. Below is a description of the game design method used in the research experiment.

This game is a racing game in which players move and manipulate objects by tilting the iPad to the left. However, as shown in the “drive only” picture, yellow and red lines are present. If players erroneously drive off the road’s shoulder, their score will be deducted. In picture a, “sign only,” signs appear randomly in color and shape, independent of driving. When a sign with a shape and color the subject needs to recognize appears, they must press the corresponding signal and ignore signs of other shapes and colors. The paper explains that cognitive ability improves when these two actions are performed together. In this study, the subjects were 46 participants aged between 60 and 85 years. As a result of playing this game for four weeks, they performed better than individuals in their 20s who had not played the game. Furthermore, the cognitive improvement effects for the subjects continued for six months after the 4-week game training had ended. The picture below shows brain activity. As depicted in the figure, the group that played the game exhibited much more activity than the group that did not, with a notable increase in the activity of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for cognitive functions.

With these results and methods, “Akili Interactive” developed a game-based iPad treatment for ADHD. The game received FDA clearance on June 15, 2020, becoming the first of its kind to require a doctor’s prescription. This game has been proven to significantly improve ADHD symptoms in children aged 8–12.
The success of digital therapeutics in effectively managing complex health conditions such as ADHD not only enhances our understanding of their diverse applications but also provides a compelling illustration of their efficacy and scalability. This perspective not only lays the groundwork for our project but also underscores its central theme that the exploration of how digital therapeutics have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery. By highlighting this transformative impact, I aim to elucidate the pivotal role of innovative medical interventions in shaping the future of healthcare delivery, thus aligning with my overarching goal of promoting advancements that benefit patients.

Virtual Reality
The success of digital therapeutics in effectively managing complex health conditions like ADHD not only highlights the transformative potential of innovative medical interventions but also lays the groundwork for further advancements in healthcare delivery. This perspective sets the stage for exploring cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the healthcare landscape. One such advancement is Apple’s recent launch of AppleVision, a wearable device leveraging VR technology to blur the line between reality and virtual reality. While VR technology has been developing over the years, it enhances the user’s experience by making the virtual world more vivid and immersive. This technology serves as a promising software in the field of digital therapeutics, it has revolutionized the field of digital therapeutics by offering innovative solutions for complex health conditions, including Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD represents a challenging psychiatric condition, profoundly affecting individuals who have endured traumatic experiences, including soldiers returning from combat. My experience as an acupuncturist treating Vietnam veterans has exposed me to the profound impact that such traumatic memories can have on individuals, manifesting in diverse and unexpected ways, such as an aversion to seemingly normal environmental cues like the smell of wet grass, reminiscent of wartime experiences.

Digital therapies, particularly those utilizing VR, have been designed to address the intricacies of psychiatric diseases that interfere with daily life. Prolonged Exposure Therapy, a prevalent treatment for PTSD in psychiatry, aims to break the association between traumatic memories and the emotional pain they elicit by repeatedly exposing the patient to those memories. However, this approach can be intense for patients, as it requires them to continuously confront their trauma, and its effectiveness can be limited by the patient’s ability to recall specific details of their traumatic experiences. VR therapy has emerged as a solution to these challenges, enhancing treatment outcomes by vividly reenacting those traumatic scenes, making them more accessible for therapeutic intervention. Below is a depiction of a scene from Virtual Vietnam.

The effect of this treatment was significant. The scenario of this VR features a jungle where military helicopters are flying, without any explicitly exciting or threatening scenes. However, some veterans reported seeing enemies and tanks that were not part of the scenario while experiencing the VR. This indicates that the VR served as a trigger to remind them of their trauma. Significant improvement was observed in all patients who had not responded to traditional psychotherapy.

Based on these results, the US Department of Defense created Virtual Iraq and Virtual Afghanistan. These versions are more meticulous and closer to reality, utilizing VR that engages the sense of touch and smell. The VR experience replicates the situations from the patient’s traumatic memories, placing them right next to the patient. For example, it realistically adjusts elements such as gunfights and bomb blasts in real-time. In this manner, it enables patients to immerse themselves more realistically in the situation.

This advancement in technology not only offers a more effective means of addressing PTSD but also heralds a new era in the treatment of various psychiatric conditions, with the potential for broader applications in digital therapeutics.

Advantages and Disadvantages
As we acknowledge the strides made in technology and its potency in tackling a myriad of conditions via digital therapeutics, we find ourselves at the threshold of a transformative era in therapeutic practices. This shift propels digital therapeutics beyond the conventional confines, heralding a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery that underscores scalability, accessibility, and adaptability. These characteristics have been particularly crucial, demonstrating their invaluable role in navigating global health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, the very scalability that underscores the potential of digital therapeutics brings forth considerable risks. Should adverse effects arise, their proliferation could mirror the rapid adoption rates of these solutions, posing substantial public health risks. Thus, the importance of continuous vigilance through ongoing monitoring and rigorous research into the safety and efficacy of digital therapeutics cannot be overstated.

The non-invasive nature of digital therapeutics marks another pivotal advantage. The ability to administer treatments without resorting to physical interventions, such as surgeries or tumor extractions, significantly reduces safety concerns. Yet, this advantage is not without its limitations, particularly in the scope of their action mechanism. For instance, while digital therapeutics can aid in obesity management, they fall short of replacing direct medical interventions like Saxenda injections, which have a more immediate and potent impact. For that necessity for clear delineation of digital therapeutics’ capabilities, alongside a commitment to perpetual innovation.

Furthermore, the software-centric nature of digital therapeutics offers unique advantages in terms of maintenance and distribution costs. After development, these solutions incur minimal additional expenses, making them a cost-effective option, particularly in environments constrained by limited resources. This aspect was proven invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the capability of digital therapeutics to address widespread health emergencies effectively and economically.

As such, Digital therapeutics, transcending traditional treatment methods, offer new possibilities for enhancing patient care and outcomes through the continuous advancement of technology. They promise revolutionary changes in modern medicine, necessitating a deep understanding and adaptation of new treatment modalities by both patients and healthcare professionals. The convenience and accessibility provided by digital therapeutics could serve as a powerful tool in improving the quality of medical services and enhancing the quality of life for patients. However, to truly harness the potential of these innovative approaches, ongoing research and development on their effectiveness, safety, and ease of use are essential.

Moving forward, the evolution of digital therapeutics will play a crucial role in redefining the interaction between technology and humans within the healthcare sector. Such advancements will contribute to creating a more inclusive and technologically advanced healthcare environment, stepping towards a future where everyone can experience better health and well-being. Embracing and supporting these modern healthcare innovations starts with us. As there are still areas that need development, accepting what can be embraced and addressing areas of improvement require significant attention and support. By deepening our understanding of digital therapeutics and promoting their use, we can all contribute to building a healthier and brighter future for everyone.


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