Lights, Camera, Biomedical Engineering: From the Lab to the Big Screen

Ishaani Pradeep
Engineering WRIT340
12 min readMar 20, 2024

Abstract: The intersection of pop culture representations in film and the field of biomedical engineering is often a neglected field, but the potential overlap in the Venn diagram between the new field offers a multitude of potential application and cutting edge technologies. Films often serve as a mirror reflecting societal attitudes towards science and technology, and when it comes to biomedical engineering, they have depicted a wide range of possibilities. With ideas that range from prosthetics to genetic engineering. This essay aims to delve into these representations and the implications that it has on the future of the biomedical and film industry, and the potential that is present to inspire interest and understanding of a field.

Ishaani Pradeep is a sophomore studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California with a minor in cinematic arts. She is involved in a multitude of campus activities distributed along her various interests including the USC Helenes, ASBME, Engineering Without Borders, Southern California Healthcare Outreach, Beta Rho Chi, Joint Educational Program as well as Undergraduate Research.

Keywords: Biomedical Engineering, Marvel, Cinematic Arts, Film, Regenerative Medicine, CRISPR, Prosthetics

Lights, Camera, Action — the three words that are synonymous to the film industry are shouted at the top of each scene regardless of the film’s content. Each film tells a story unique to the screenwriter, with genres spanning from action to drama and tragedy. The focus of this paper will be science fiction, specifically the science within science fiction. Science fiction was a genre that was often synonymous with dystopia or futuristic films. However, we have entered an era in which science fiction often has a direct interaction with advancements in technology. It can even be argued that film and reality are in a race for advancement, with screenwriters and engineers being the players in the competition.

Through this paper the portrayal of genetic and biomedical engineering in the cinematic sphere is observed in films such as Iron Man, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), and Jurassic Park, the intricate web of scientific themes woven in the narratives is to be observed. Our aim is to showcase the potential of media as a powerful tool for education and inspiration. By dissecting the depictions of these unique fields, we seek to demonstrate how media can be harnessed to foster a deeper understanding and more knowledge of the niche field of biomedical engineering, spark interest, and ultimately shape the aspirations of future generations, allowing for a better future to be built. Imagine a world where the response to “What do you want to be when you grow up?” echoes with the enthusiastic response of “a Biomedical Engineer”. This reality is within our grasp, if we harness the race between film and biomedical engineering, and build a bridge between these widely disparate fields for the hopes of a better future.

Jurassic Park and CRISPR

When delving into the realm of science fiction, Jurassic Park inevitably emerges as an overarching representation of the genre as a whole. The film embarks on a thrilling journey, unfolding within a park crafted by scientists who resurrect extinct dinosaur species through genetic engineering. While the notion of recreating creatures like the Tyrannosaurus rex from mosquito blood samples may lean towards the fiction aspect of scientific fiction, parallels with contemporary techniques like CRISPR are striking. Despite this fictional premise, the film offers a glimpse into the realm of genetic engineering and sparks contemplation on the ethical implications of manipulating ancient DNA and its plausibility in the modern world as seen through the simplification of the process in the film clip above. As a cult classic work in the science fiction genre, Jurassic Park continues to captivate audiences while prompting reflection on the boundaries of scientific advancement in the field of genetic engineering within the biomedical science sphere.

Jurassic Park takes many liberties with its use of science, stretching the possibilities far beyond the horizons of the scope of modern gene editing through the creation of a theme park. However, it does serve an important purpose of raising ethical questions regarding the genome, and specifically the CRISPR technology that we do have in modern society. Not only does this film raise the infamous question of, what if we could? but should we? addressing the important moral dilemma in the sphere of biomedical engineering. Dr. Henry Wu utilizes what seems to be a filmic interpretation of CRISPR technology (before its invention in modern society) to develop a hybrid dinosaur species that largely results in the downfall of the park. However, it is interesting to observe that through modern biomedical engineering techniques, not only is it possible to revive extinct species, but it has been done before. A species referred to as the Pyrenian ibex went extinct in the year 2000, however in 2003, a clone of this last living goat was created. However, due to complications in its lungs due to the cloning, it dies shortly after birth, “going extinct twice” (The Bench 2018). There is even discussion around the use of CRISPR-Cas 9 to use the Asian elephant DNA to develop a wooly mammoth, bordering on the themes of Jurassic Park. This shows the repercussions of this film on modern society, and the questions that it provoked, leading to new biomedical discoveries and trajectories.

Gene editing was largely introduced to pop culture through Jurassic Park, however, though this film was able to bring biomedical engineering into the spotlight, it differs from the two films Iron Man and The Amazing Spiderman that are analyzed in this essay. As this film was developed in 1993 the idea of introducing scientific topics was new and thus the film front-loaded the scientific topics in the clip above and neglected the scientific discussion throughout the film. Gene editing was introduced as a concept, starting the conversation that ultimately led to the development of CRISPR, a major aspect of biomedical engineering, but with prosthetics and regenerative medicine as seen in the films Iron Man and The Amazing Spiderman, the science becomes well integrated into the film through different realms of biomedical engineering.

The field of bioengineering, specifically the realm of genetic engineering that was previously unknown to many, became uncovered through this 1993 film, which many argue was ahead of its time. Watching the film allowed many individuals to understand the term gene editing for the first time, and inspired many others to pursue this career at a time it was just an idea. By allowing individuals of the general public to begin asking these thought provoking and innovative questions, this film allowed for a new era of biomedical science to be born. Individuals that did not receive formal education were now interested in editing the human genome, bridging the educational gaps that were once present through a 127 minute motion picture. Using gene splicing and Asian Elephant DNA, in vivo and CRISPR techniques are being used to splice and create artificial embryos of wooly mammoths to release in the wild after thousands of years of extinction with millions of dollars of investments from companies such as Breyer Capital and Draper Associates, two giants of Silicon Valley (Brown 2021). However, this film not only showed society the implications of gene editing, but also served as a cautionary tale. Even if we could use bird DNA and splice to create dinosaurs, should we do it/ The wooly mammoth itself could harm the ecological balance, and the ethical repercussions of developing dinosaurs and releasing them is highlighted through the science fiction film. This shows that not only are these films important to educate the public and bridge the gap in scientific literacy, but also provide a bigger picture of moral dilemmas in the biomedical engineering sphere.

Iron Man with Prosthetics

Tony Stark, the charismatic protagonist of the Iron Man franchise, is often hailed as a playboy, millionaire, and even an entitled brat. However, absent from his list of descriptors is “biomedical engineer.” In a world where the stereotype of a biomedical engineer is often restricted to a hunched man in his fifties meticulously pipetting cell samples or putting together a catheter, cinema breaks free from this preconceived perception with the creation of Tony Stark. Beyond a mere superhero suit, the Iron Man suit is one of engineering marvels, specifically in the domain of prosthetics, a domain that is central in the field of biomedical engineering. Departing from this view of a biomedical engineer, Iron Man has the potential of inspiring thousands of brilliant minds to pursue this field of biomechanical development of prosthesis. As Tony Stark departed from developing weapons that were used to kill millions, to building a suit that protected, this media representation has the potential of transforming minds.

The suit developed by Tony Stark appears as a seamless extension to his body, reaching him when he signals for the various parts as demonstrated in the clip above. The suit features various sophisticated prosthetic limbs as well as a complex neural interface that allows for precision in control. The suit is even developed to have an AI model within it by the name of “Jarvis”, highlighting the advanced stages that it has reached. This leaves us wondering, if Stark is a Biomedical Engineer, can the engineers of today build such a suit? As highlighted by Forbes, many aspects of the suit can be developed minus the features such as flight, repulsor beams, and the immensely powerful arc reactor (Williams 2013). However, this same article highlights the suit prototype developed by Lockheed Martin in which protection is provided, in addition to short flight could match the features in Stark’s suit. Further supporting this idea was the ‘Limbitless Solutions” and their development of a Prosthetic Arm for a 7 year old boy with an arm that was not fully developed, modeled after Iron Man’s Gauntlet (Smith 2016).

This feasibility study of Iron Man’s suit, as well as the model that it provides for the development of prosthetic limbs, specifically in the pediatric sphere, showcases the potential the film has for aiding in the development of real-life counterparts. The significance of this is unparalleled, as seeing a biomedical engineer on the big screen in the form of a man such as Tony Stark would provide inspiration for all members of society, specifically young minds. There may be potential for designing a full body prosthetic for tetraplegic patients, all through one character portrayed on the big screen. Through research, and putting the science into science fiction, a collaboration of biomedical engineers and actors for the big screen would allow for a new future to be envisioned.

Spiderman and Regeneration

The Amazing Spider Man (2012) once again departs from the world of science fiction into the world of pure science, and specifically stem cell and regenerative medicine in Biomedical Engineering. The film follows the protagonist Peter Parker through a series of trials and tribulations, after he has been bit by a genetically enhanced spider. Evolving from the mere spider bite in the previous franchise, rather than providing focus to the protagonist and their romance and family dynamic, this franchise was able to truly put the science in science fiction as it explained the background behind the origin of the titular character.

This film also highlighted the evolution as seen through the portrayal of biomedical engineering. All the films that were analyzed in this paper, including Iron Man and Jurassic Park were all strung together by their portrayals of various realms of biomedical engineering, providing knowledge and inspiring interest in the general population, with ideas spanning from prosthetics to regenerative medicine. As discussed previously, in the 1993 film Jurassic Park the scientific topics are frontloaded and neglected throughout the film, thus finding a clip was difficult. However, as time progressed so did this industry, and as seen in Iron Man the prosthetic building and assembling scenes were interwoven throughout the film, allowing for a more accessible library. When arriving at the 2012 production of Spiderman, I found that almost every scene in the film could be analyzed for its scientific application. The film is based in science rather than merely a footnote. This shows that biomedical engineering has become a part of the narrative with ideas such as regenerative medicine, and there is still potential for growth in the field.

The Amazing Spiderman as stated above delves deeply into the ideas of regenerative medicine and stem cell research, extending beyond the mere genetic modification of the spiders but rather into their reaction with the unique proteins in Peter Parker as well as the regenerative powers of Dr. Curt Connors. Dr. Connors serves as the antagonist in this film, highlighting the possibilities of a misuse of regenerative medicine and the magnitude of power it possesses. The film does take its reactive liberties in the development of the “Lizard” as the villain of the film, there are several important scientific ideas left to explore, which can be further discussed. When discussing the Lizard’s ability to regenerate limbs, Connors portrayed these rebuilding as well as the binding pattern. The holographic display shows the genes in which these traits are found, and how the insertion of the animal cell will develop somatic cells for growth and replacement. The experiment completed with the disabled mouse was spotlighted in great detail in the film. The modification of the DNA of the mouse using the regenerative portion from the lizard, allowed for the development of a mouse that was able to reconstruct its limbs. These methods of healing the mouse were then applied by Dr. Connors himself, allowing for the growth of his arm, however, due to the fictional background of these films led to the creation of a supervillain. Though this monstrous transformation would never be possible, the study of stem cells and the regeneration of limbs is something that is prime focus in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

While the development of “The Lizard ‘’ as a villain in this film may not be feasible in the realm of science, Connor’s experiments in the regeneration of limbs is one that caused scientific scrutiny to turn to scientific curiosity. Interestingly, the current study of stem cells in the field of tissue engineering and biomolecular engineering, found that this treatment of amputated and damaged limbs to be regrown was in fact a plausible treatment that could be further explored, with the time frame being the only portion that was unrealistic (So 2014). This arena of biomedical engineering, through the flawed role model of Curt Connors as the engineer, shows that not only are mechanical processes such as building prosthetics in possibilities, but also growing limbs. Such portrayals have the potential to inspire individuals, myself included, to pursue careers along this path (on a far less evil tangent). Films such as these leave people questioning, “What If?’” and these questions drive the engineer of tomorrow, integral to building a better future. With these films inspiring future engineers and new treatment techniques, it shows why this intersection between film and engineering is so integral for fostering a more innovative future, driving progress in the field of genetic and biomedical engineering.


The bridge between the public understanding of biomedical engineering is driven through popular culture, as often, education falls short of addressing diverse populations, and is largely limited to one or few socioeconomic classes of individuals. Still, many individuals remain unaware of this field due to its small niche and relatively new nature in the timeline of science and technology. Those without access to highly privileged education may often lack exposure to the field, and do not know its existence until it is too late. This prevents incredible and inquisitive minds from entering a field merely because of a lack of equity in proper exposure. This highlights the necessity for a widespread and accurate representation of biomedical engineering in film. Film is a conduit to the public, and education through these means often breaks down socioeconomic barriers built through education systems. However, some critics may argue that these depictions in pop culture may lead to misconceptions and miseducation which may be more harmful than helpful in educating the masses. After all, the film genre is science fiction, and the films are not documentaries about biomedical engineers, which may create a false perception.

To address this miseducation, we can enhance accuracy in science fiction depictions by encouraging the involvement of engineers in the process of creating these films. Films serve as a crucial conduit between the public and scientific literacy, reaching a larger audience through an entertaining medium than can be reached by merely educational means. This helps bridge socioeconomic gaps by inspiring future leaders and engineers to explore fields like biomedical engineering, exposing them to opportunities they may not have known existed previously with ideas drawn from, but not limited to films such as Jurassic Park with its CRISPR technology or the invention of prosthetics for disabled individuals, with the role model of Tony Stark. By ensuring accuracy through the collaboration with engineers, we can mitigate the risk of misrepresentation, as well as bridging two seemingly disparate fields together to build curiosity in a new generation of engineers to write the next chapters of humankind.

Building this bridge to close the gap between film and biomedical engineering allows for the blossoming of a new and transformative partnership. By providing a more accurate perspective and preventing unnecessary misinformation the biomedical engineers are able to provide, and the filmmakers are able to provide a creative medium that has access to the public eye. This symbiotic relationship between the two fields allows for an even more beautiful result of providing scientific literacy and widespread knowledge of niche fields such as biomedical engineering to the general public. In a domain that is so small, any spread of information and inspiration for the growth of the field is necessary for the continual development of devices, prosthetics, and genetic advancements in the field. Through this new found collaboration of two seemingly distinct fields, the intersection allows for the development of the engineers of the future and the innovations of tomorrow.


[1] Jurassic Park. Universal Studios, 1993.

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[4] Iron Man. Milano: Walt Disney , 2008.

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