Engineering Brew — Issue #24

I am super happy to announce that today, this newsletter was sent to 100+ subscribers. I realize it might be a small number for many, but a joyous moment for me. Thank you for trusting me, I appreciate that. Let’s get to it..

Natwar Maheshwari
2 min readMay 23, 2022



Asynchronous Communication is the Great Leveler in Engineering

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What Is Agile? A Philosophy That Develops Through Practice | Toptal

What Is Agile? A Philosophy That Develops Through Practice | Agile’s flexibility makes it attractive, but its lack of specificity also leads many teams to misinterpret its applications and follow frameworks such as Scrum too strictly. Agile expert Umar Ali explains how he helps teams prioritize the philosophy’s values and principles over its practices.

Building Stronger, Happier Engineering Teams with Team Topologies - Docker

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How we’re using projects to build projects | The GitHub Blog

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