Advanced Django Development: How to build a professional CMS for any business? (Part #1)

Hossein Vahedi
Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2021

In this tutorial, we will discuss some important concepts in developing backend microservices with Django. We will see:

  1. How to build a professional CMS with wagtail.
  2. How to dockerize the project.
  3. How to properly set Production and Development environments.
  4. How to add features using Test Driven Development best practices.
  5. How to use docker-compose to properly connect different microservices to each other.
  6. How to generate fake data.
  7. Some best practices in Django, PostgreSQL, Nginx, Docker stack.

We are going to create a simple but powerfull CMS. This CMS can be used to provide content once, then automatically generate different outputs like Social Network Posts, pdf files, image files, advertisements and …

This tutorial ends at part #6. In future tutorials, we will use this project to deploy horizontally scalable backend microservices on kubernetes. We will use Terraform to provision AWS infrastructure: EKS, EFS and RDS. Then we will deploy our application on EKS.

Next: How to create a wagtail project and dockerize it.

