AR Reflection

Valerie Obeng
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
3 min readDec 8, 2018

I chose a large lecture hall to augment because I wanted my project to present a real-world learning environment. I like the appearance of the lecture hall from its wooden desks, huge space, long blackboard, windows, and steps. I had the experience of sitting in one of these lecture halls when I did a summer program. It was nice to see huge visuals on the board and to interact with students. I also like how bright the room can be from the sun shining through the windows making the walls bright white and the desks light brown. I chose to overlay a design paper with a lecture hall because I wanted to make my topic clearer about learning inside and outside of class. The words on the paper, “The Future is non binary” suggests that the future for students can be many paths. Because it’s Memorial Hall where many students have their English classes, it could also suggest that students can pursue anything with an English major. The skills that they learn in the classroom such as critical thinking, reading and writing can take them to areas such as law, public relations, and communications. The design paper looks like a blackboard where the message is written in chalk. I was able to use physical objects of a classroom along with words to accomplish my message of taking what’s learned in the classroom into the real world.

Before doing this project, I was not familiar with HP reveal. I needed to learn how it worked through an example of combining an image with a video. Since I could not install the HP reveal app on my phone, I could not go to the place where I augmented to scan for my overlay. It took me a while to look for an area to augment because I was looking to create something extraordinary. I was successful in combing two educational things to make the image more engaging.

I think that augmented reality is a cool tool to use because it gets the person to explore an aspect of the world and to think outside of the box when it comes to listening and seeing things. I also think that it should have its limits because people are meant to get in touch with reality to fit in with the world majority of the time. I think of augmented reality as reading a fiction book where it’s good to enjoy it for a short time. I liked looking at the black and white photos of Memorial Hall and the school because it’s almost like touring around a different part of the school that I’ve never seen before. I think that the future of augmented reality will continue to expand where every game would physically interact with you and that people will have other digital things think for them and do things for them. Other things that could happen with augmented reality are mental problems like hallucinations from people who excessively see the world more virtually than physically when it should be the other way round.

Note: I’m not sure if the two images that I chose combined well with one another. The words were supposed to blend in with the location.



Valerie Obeng
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric

English major with a passion for technology, analysis and data management.