
Kaitlyn Zook
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
2 min readSep 28, 2018

Have you ever done something as a child, that you thought was completely normal, but looking back it might have been the ~weirdest~ thing you have ever done?

For example- have you ever written to one of your favorite childhood actors? Maybe proclaiming your love for them, or just simply asking them for an autograph?

If so, you would love Episode 1 of The Mortified Podcast: Share the Shame- Celebrity Obsession Part 1: Fan Letters.

The podcast was broken down into a few different speakers sharing their experiences with writing fan letters to celebrities as children.

One of my favorite uses of sound in this podcast was when they introduced the first speaker, Kate Micucci, who is part of the musical group- Garfunkel and Oats. As Kate was introducing herself and her background this song she had written started playing…

I thought this was great use of sound because it added a lightheartedness to the podcast, and opened up for the emotional, totally stereotypical female rant she was about to unleash on the poor celebrity she was writing to.

It seemed as though a few of the other speakers were comedians who did some sort of stand-up routine. I thought this really added to the podcast because of the way the speakers voice was projected within the silent background, and the addition of audience’s laughter. It made it seem like you were actually sitting in the audience.

My favorite story, and favorite use of sound came from the last story. In the background of podcast, you can hear a dog barking in the background. The dog barking makes you feel like you are in the guy’s house talking to him, as he is describing how he was told by the police not to contact the celebrity anymore after threatening him- by accident, of course.

