My Avatar

Bri Hennessey
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
2 min readOct 22, 2018

When I was younger, I used to love making virtual characters for the games I was playing. I used to make Animal Crossing characters with bright pink hair and families of creatures on the Wii, the weirder the better. Video games were a great outlet for me to create characters that I read or wrote about, and since my drawing skills were pretty mediocre, games were the perfect platform to be creative with.

Since I was focused on characters growing up, I never spent much creating anything in my own likeness, so the only virtual version of me floating around today is my snapchat Bitmoji.

Last semester I chopped and dyed my hair quite a bit, so my Bitmoji is always changing, but I think it’s really fun to try and match my appearance to the character. I don’t find their faces to be super distinguishable, but the options for hair and clothes make a lot of Bitmoji really recognizable. Plus, you can add other items that make the character recognizable to your friends, which is also cool. (Hence the devil horns. I feel like there was a story there but its been so long I don’t remember).

Avatars in general are an insanely interesting topic, because its almost like looking at a character study of the person that created them and how said person sees themselves.

