My Favorite Piece of Multimodal Literature

Lauren Wenig
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
2 min readSep 14, 2018

As a person who wants to go into video game writing, it is no surprise that my favorite form multimodal literature is a video game. The video game series that I am choosing to write about is the Mass Effect Trilogy. This is my favorite video game because I believe that the game displays an excellent story and character development. The Mass Effect Trilogy is a science fiction role-playing game where the player’s job is to save the universe from an evil alien invasion. In this game, the player is constantly making choices that affect how the game’s story and characters play out. This video game really ties the player into the game by making them feel that their choices matter with the story and the characters.

The Mass Effect Trilogy (

A video game is a form of interactive multimodal literature, where the user is actively using this form of media instead of passively observing it. The user of this form of multimodal literature is engaging with the game’s music soundtrack, the controls and buttons that control the character, the constantly moving picture/screen, and if the subtitles are on, the words on the screen. A video game provides a great deal of entertainment to its users because the purpose of a game is to relax and have fun. This game in particular brought me the most joy out of all the games that I have played (which is a lot!!) because of how strongly attached the video game makes the player to the story and the characters by having the player control the choices of the game. Not only do I believe that the story is phenomenal, but the music in the game gives me goosebumps every time I hear it because certain songs bring back a memories from certain parts of the game. I think that this is a very powerful ploy that movies and video games employ in order to get users of these forms of multimodal literature invested in them. Here is an example of a song from the third game of the series:

“We Face Our Enemy Together” — Mass Effect 3 (

This game series is the reason why I want to go into video game story writing because I have a passion for games and I want to players to get as engaged to a story that I have written just like these games’ story had me engaged. Here is a clip of the first mission of the third installment of the series:

Mass Effect 3 Gameplay (



Lauren Wenig
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric

University of Delaware Class of 2019 English Major, Aspiring Video Game Writer, Meme Connoisseur