Play Lists: Songs of the Isles

Ryan Decker
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
1 min readSep 26, 2018

This music is a bit out there but I absolutely recommend you give it a chance.

The songs I chose all fall under the wonderfully melodic umbrella of Celtic folk music, which share many of the same instruments and sounds, yet still each sound very unique based on their rhythms and melodies. I didn’t place these songs in any particular order because this collection of music comes from a personal project of mine: the music is collectively a playlist for inspiration on worldbuilding, and as such, I almost exclusively listen to it on shuffle. I encourage any who want to listen to pick a song at random and just soak in the experience they gather from the music.



Ryan Decker
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric

English Major. Anthropology Minor. Creative writer. Nature enthusiast. Passionate about video games. Swing dancer. I kinda do just about everything.