Val’s Mixtape

Valerie Obeng
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
1 min readSep 25, 2018

This mixtape includes all of my favorite songs and they range from different genres: Christian, rhythm, blues, dance, and Spanish. I arranged my music in a way where it starts at a slow tempo and then becomes fast and then relaxed, and then fast again. My purpose is to get it to flow well so that when one song ends, it picks up where it left off. For example, my first two songs include an audience cheering, so I put those songs together to keep that cheerful mood. From songs three to six are more like dance tunes from the 80s that also create an upbeat mood. My expectation is that the last three songs would bring faith, hope and victory to someone who may feel discouraged in life. These nine songs tell who I am. I have a relationship with God and I love songs that are about God, about love, hope, faith, and victory. I also love 80s music because of the beats and voices. Another reason is that I grew up having a father who loved and owned a lot of 80s music CDs.



Valerie Obeng
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric

English major with a passion for technology, analysis and data management.