What do my selfies say about me?

Morgan Kolukisa
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
3 min readSep 10, 2018
A trip to Brooklyn to visit my dad’s brother/a selfie I took just to talk about being queer/a football game with my aunt, sister, mom, brother and cousin
  • How do your selfies perform race/ethnicity, social/economic status, sexuality/gender as a group?
    I took the selfie of me with the rainbow across my face for an Instagram post I made about a month ago, that was made with the sole intent of performing my sexuality. The other two I took with the purpose of documenting trips/events with my family, so I suppose, in a way, this performs my social/economic status, as it displays that my family has the luxury of doing things of that nature.
  • What choices do you make to present yourself and what does this say about you: Clothing, pose, facial expression
    In every selfie, I make a conscious choice to smile, or present in a happy manner, to emphasize the fact that I am happy with the message I am trying to put out there or that I am doing something enjoyable or fun.
  • How do you frame the picture to construct meaning about your image?Background, lighting, proximity, angle of the camera
    In the one selfie where I am by myself, I framed it so that I am the sole focus of the image and the Snapchat filter that I used is used to highlight the message about my sexuality that I included in the caption. In the other two, the background was used to highlight the event/trip (a road trip in the first and a football game with my family in the last) that was going on when I took the selfie.
  • Are there other elements (people, animals, objects…) and what do they add to your identity in the picture?
    In the the selfie where I am alone, the filter obviously adds emphasis, but in the other two, more subtly, the addition of other people highlights the importance of my family, and the importance of things I do with them to me and to who I am.
  • Does the image/do the images portray one identity trait more than others? Why/how?
    The images that I chose highlight the importance of my family and the importance of my ability to be open with my sexuality to who I am as a person, through the inclusion of the the filter on one picture and the inclusion of my family members in the other images.
  • Did you “compose” these with intentions as the “Writing in the Moment” article suggests?
    The one selfie where I am alone was absolutely composed with intention like the article suggests, but the other two I did not take with the intentions that I realized while doing this assignment, I simply took them spur of the moment.

