Why Won’t You Date Me? — The Podcast Analysis…But Also a Valid Question

Lauren Wenig
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric
2 min readSep 28, 2018

The podcast that I listened to in class on Wednesday was the first episode of ‘Why Won’t You Date Me? with Nicole Byer’. This podcast stars a woman who talks about reasons she speculates why she is perpetually single. This episode features a man named Will Hines that Byer talked with about her bad luck on Tinder. The podcast was quite humorous and relatable.

The podcast starts off with a catchy tune that Nicole Byer sings the lyrics “Why won’t you date me?” over and over again in funny tones. I think the effect of this is to make the audience laugh (it certainly made me laugh) and to hook the listeners in with humor. This hook introduces the podcast as being a humorous one instead of something serious such as politics. The host, Nicole Byer, is a thirty-two year old black woman so her voice is heard as one of the main sounds in the podcast. Byer is often changing the tones of her voice to make jokes about her love life to make the audience laugh (and it works..this chick is hilarious!!). The guest on her show, Will Hines, is a forty-seven year old white man who is not as funny as Byer but goes along with her humor. Since Hines is not the host, his voice is not heard as much as Byer’s and he is not as funny her, but Will Hines does make some jokes. Thus, for the most part, Hines maintains a normal talking voice in order to not ‘steal the show’ away from the main host, yet still is humorous at times in order to be an entertaining guest.

Nicole Byer’s Tinder Profile



Lauren Wenig
ENGL 397: Digital Rhetoric

University of Delaware Class of 2019 English Major, Aspiring Video Game Writer, Meme Connoisseur