Garbage Day

Brittaney Lazzaro
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2017

It was an average walk around campus after a particularly windy day. I was on campus during a weekend so I could head over to a friend’s place so I could work on a project. As I walked all over campus to pass the time, there was something that I couldn’t help but notice.

Trash. All sorts of trash as I walked from the dorm rooms near the memorial hall to my friends dorm over the railroad. It was almost unbelievable seeing all this trash decorating the sidewalks and plants. Not to mention all the cigarette butts, plastic bags, and papers I came across as well. I couldn’t walk ten steps without finding a new piece of trash.

I couldn’t gather all these items up to toss them away, most weren’t close to a trash can to do so and I had no bag to carry them in. The more I walked the more trash I spotted too to the point I thought it was pointless to even try to throw them all away. Some either blew away before I could grab it, too high for me to reach, or again, had no where to put is.

Normally the campus is very clean though. When I walk through campus sure I’ll see the occasional paper or a cigarette butt, but not as much trash as I had saw that day. Was it because it was the weekend and there was an abundance of people just tossing their trash? Did the wind blow away trash from some opened bin? Maybe people had it in their pockets and it fell out before they could throw it away? I don’t know really. All I know is it was a shocking amount of trash for once and I don’t even know if they got picked up? Or just blown away by the wind.

