Cassidy Santos
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2017


Here’s a follow up post for the one I had written about day dreaming of my spring break trip to Cancun, Mexico. I wrote about the beautiful beaches and how contrary to where I live in Long Island, NY, you can see your feet when you look down into the ocean. The beaches in Mexico, also contrary to New York, are not filled with plastic food wrappers or soda bottles. They are filled with warm sand, some seaweed, and the occasional sting ray that will swim passed you if you are lucky enough to be paying attention to what is happening underneath your feet. In addition to sting ray, I saw turtles as well as fish swimming right near me close to the shore. This gave me perspective as to why it is so so important to keep our beaches clean. If there was garbage, plastic, etc., right by the shore that drifted into the water, these creatures could have so easily gotten caught in them, or even tried to eat it. The pollution of our beaches not only takes away from the breathtaking beauty of them, but also puts in danger the lives of many amazing creatures that inhabit it. If being on one of these mesmorizing beaches for five days is not enough to convince people we must save our beaches, I do not know what is.



Cassidy Santos
Writer for

My name is Cassidy and I am senior at the University of Delaware studying English.