Nature Returns

The Pond By My House

Brittaney Lazzaro
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


Past the dirt path in the woods, hidden away by the bending trees, is a pond forgotten by the Church. The pond is rather large, with dark waters that hide many secrets. A frequent spot for the wildlife for their water and food sources. Benches from before sit by the pond, faded from time growing green mold from lack of use. There is little other sign that human’s used to be there, as nature is all that you can see. The trees surround the pond, hiding the outside world from it so only hunters and my family even acknowledge it. If no one walked down that path, would anyone know it was there? Dried up decaying leaves decorate the rim of the pond, with branches of varying sizes spread across. Step, step, step, and you’ll hear the crack, crack, crack, of branches breaking, and the crunch, crunch,crunch of leaves beneath the soles of your feat.

If you try to walk away from the pond, it’s best to be careful. Thorny vines wrap around the trees, hide among the fallen leaves, blend in with the dying bushes. They’ll attack your skin if you’re daydreaming, leaving long marks on your legs and arms that you won’t even noticed until you’re back home. If you’re lucky it’s just some minor scratches, otherwise little drops of blood might seep through.

Maybe at some point this little area was popular. Perhaps a frequent visiting spot for church goers. Maybe it was a small little park area, where people would visit for picnics or to swim.

Who knows.

What is known is that nature is taking back it’s pond. It’s just nature and the remains of what once was.

