Cassidy Santos
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2017


So today I decided to google the word “environment” and see what would come up. The first hit I got was a definition of the word. Environment: noun — the surroundings or condition in which a person, animal, or plant lives and operates. Besides the definition, I also found a website called “TheGuardian.Com.” The website had a bunch of different catergories such as politics, world, opinion (yikes), sports, arts, and of course environment which is what I was on since that is what I googled. I was surprised to see that Donald Trump was only mentioned twice, this being one of the images relating to an article:

In addition this article, there were articles about the dakota pipeline, the US Glacier National Park, mining companies, etc. So, If anyone is out there reading this and wondering what in the world the point of this point is, here it is: If people took the time to just simply google something, they would learn much more than they think. By just googling the world “environment” I found a definition, a bunch of websites, and a lot of articles. All of which have important facts that can help us save the environment. So today’s lesson of the day: Educate yourself.



Cassidy Santos
Writer for

My name is Cassidy and I am senior at the University of Delaware studying English.