Social Media and Me

Social media to the rescue?

Brittaney Lazzaro
2 min readApr 27, 2017


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I’m not a big social media fan. If I’m on one I don’t tell everyone about it, say ‘hey follow me’ or even add my friends and family. Anyone who tries to befriend me I usually delete their request and block them for good measure. The only social media website I don’t do that however is Youtube, but no one follows me anyway. I’d have to post something in order to get someone to look my way.

But, that doesn’t mean I think social media is a waste of time. On the contrary it’s probably the most useful thing out there when it comes to getting ideas and information across.

We live in an age where information can be found at a touch of a screen. We’re able to learn about what goes on in the world through social media sites and search engines. Because of this, social media can play a large role in activism despite what some skeptics might think.

Signing a petition still has weight where it’s digital or not, learning something new isn’t lessened just because you saw it on a screen. Much can be done through social media and it shouldn’t just be ignored. Activism is still activism when you’re doing it through social media outlets.

It’s not like social media activism is making a mockery of physical activism or ignoring the past activists who were willing to die for what they believe in. If we treat it like that rather than another form of activism, then it’s somewhat petty. Not everyone can willingly sacrifice their blood and sweat for activism. Why must there be a better form of activism? There are people who have to worry for themselves, their families, their friends, to the point where social media is their only way of making a difference.

Congratulations to the people who can go out and march on the streets. Congratulations to the people who signed petitions that were handed to them. Congratulations to the people who picket for the cause. You’re helping people out in your own way. But so are those people who are doing the same through social media. By talking about it on facebook, writing about it on tumblr, and vlogging about it on Youtube. It can all make a change in their own way.

Is activism through social media perfect? No, I will admit that, a lot of people don’t know how to use it to it’s fullest. However if properly taught, any social media website can be used to make a change in the world.

