Cassidy Santos
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017


To be completely honest, I was not that environmentally conscious before I was in this class. I always tried not to litter, and I tried to recycle as best as I could. But I really did not have any specific environmental concerns or issues that really impacted my life. I took this class because I was interested in learning more about the environment. People hear about global warming, about the atmosphere, the oceans, etc. But what does this all really mean? That is why I took this class — to learn more, to be able to find an issue to care about and fight about. One issue that really made me start to be environmentally concious is the oceans and water pollution. Growing up on the water and even still having a home by a water, this is something that has become very close to me. This class sparked an interest in caring about the cleanliness of our oceans and our beaches and has enabled me to want to do more. Now, instead of just knowing about these issues, I can try and fix them.



Cassidy Santos
Writer for

My name is Cassidy and I am senior at the University of Delaware studying English.