Will Kebbe
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2017


Visual Project

Something ever-growing in importance to our country is the protection of our public lands. This year, like so many others, the fate of our lands — whether or not they will be put into the hands of oil companies, extractors, or state controlled decision makers — has been a highly contested point in our government.

I chose this visual to try and show the enormity of one of our country's most prized and valued pieces of public lands: The Grand Canyon. Here, millions of hikers, rafters, climbers, and general visitors flock to soak in all this majestic landscape has to offer. It is here that many people find piece and calm, realizing just how small they are and how natural forces have long dictated everything on this planet, far more and far longer then we have.

This visual makes sure to underscore the size of this natural place. The writing on the walls of this canyon are there to further highlight the need to keep these places sacred and untouched. Knowing that the fate of our public lands is in jeopardy, this visual will reach audiences objectively. That is the hope, at least.

Using matter-of-fact statements were also included in my visual. With this, I’m trying not to extent my point any longer than it needs to be. Keeping it short, sweet, and to the point makes sure audiences stay connected throughout their interaction with the piece.

