Visual Project: Good Clothing for a Good Cause

Courtney Dill
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2017

Adults, especially young adults, are shoppers. They love to buy things, especially clothes. They also are most likely to understand the impact and potential extinction of elephants within our lifetime. That’s why the intended audience for this advertisement is young adults and adults.

Elephants are disappearing. Fast. Everything needs to be done to save their species or within ONE generation the only place we will see elephants are in printed and online images.

They could very easily, and very soon, become a part of our past.

Ivory Ella is an online nonprofit clothing company affiliated with Save the Elephants. They dedicate their proceeds and their clothing to elephants. 10% of their net profits are donated to Save the Elephants and other charitable organizations. With their clothing they promote and advertise empathy and awareness of elephant endangerment and encourage people to become involved in environmental efforts to save the species.

As someone who has personally bought clothes from this company, I can speak to the company’s quality. I have had multiple t-shirts and hoodies for numerous years that hold up as if they’re brand new. For most of us, it is hard to find clothes made to endure the wear and tear of everyday adulthood without paying an arm and a leg. Ivory Ella offers clothes that are uniquely beautiful and constantly involved with a deeply urgent crisis. As Ivory Ella promotes- “Good Clothes for a Good Cause.”

This is important because the company effectively reaches different kinds of adults. Adults that care about saving elephants and adults that care about pretty clothing. Either way, Ivory Ella ensures, elephants benefit.

The mode that I chose for this project was an advertisement. This mimicked the online nature of the company, Ivory Ella, and reflected their online effort to actively seek help for the survival and necessary protection of elephants.

The organization of the advertisement is crucial to its message. The logo of the company responsible for influencing the advertisement is in the upper left-hand corner. The tagline of the advertisement is in the open space in the right middle region of the image. This is the same color as the logo, and takes up the most space, since it is the message of the ad. The background, or image of the advertisement, depicts a single elephant directly referencing the extinction of the species and overall message the advertisement is trying to prevent.

The easiest part of the process was photoshopping the different elements of the advertisement together and experimenting with different aspects of graphic design. This is things like font size, color choice, proportionality etc. The hardest part of this assignment was coming up with a tagline. Something like “Save the Elephants” is unoriginal and not going to make viewers inquire about the company, the advertisements message, or further information about elephant extinction.

The tagline successfully brings together both elements influencing the advertisement; Ivory Ella, and their 10% net profit donation, and the reality of elephant endangerment or extinction.

For more information about Ivory Ella please visit:

For more information about elephant endangerment and the crisis regarding their future as a species, please visit the following sources:

