Water Pollution Memo

Cassidy Santos
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2017

To: Professor McGuire, General Public, etc.

From: Cassidy Santos

Date: April 20, 2017

RE: Water Pollution


Intended Audience

The intended audience for this infographic was not any particular group of people, but a wide variety. There are many different kinds of people out there in the world. These group of people include those who care about the environment a great deal, those who do not care about the environment, those who do not know much about the environment, and those who are in between. I would say my intended audience is for all of the above. I would never want to address this infographic to only one specific audience, because then it would not be serving its purpose. The purpose of this infographic is to educate people of the importance of cleaning up our beaches and the pollution of water. Some are already aware of this issue, and some are not. By attempting to reach all difference types of audiences, I am attempting to gain more support and more awareness. If I were to have just targeted one specific audience, I would have been limiting myself and my ability to spread information about the topic at hand.

Mode Choice

The mode of communication I chose to use was an infographic. There was a good amount of thought that went into what mode I was going to choose to represent my environmental issue. I thought about my intended audience first, and then I chose my mode. I thought about my intended audience — those who do and do not care, those who do not know, those in between — and I thought of the best way to reach all of them. I chose to do an infographic because I though that it would be the best way to get my point across. Yes I could have done a video, or a buzzfeed list, or a brochure. But, as someone who used to really not know much at all about the environment, would I have taken the time to watch a video, scroll through a buzzfeed list, or read through a brochure? Probably not. And, that is not to say that those who are environmental advocates would not have taken the time to watch, scroll, or read, but I had to keep in mind that I was trying to reach all different kinds of people. Another reason why I chose an infographic was because I found it to be the mode that is most appealing. The visuals, along with the information is not too overbearing for audiences to look at. Essentially, my goal was to create an infographic that would be appealing to people so that they would take the time to look at it.


The organization of the infographic is pretty straight forward. I started with a heading at the top so everyone knew what it was going to be about, then broke it up into what I wanted to talk about. I tried to make it go in an order that correlated with the pictures and what I thought was most important. Overall, I went with the organization that was the least confusing and gave the most clear idea of what was being spoken about.

Information Used

The Information I used on my info graphic came from what I already know about water pollution, as well as some online sources. Essentially, I used the online sources to just ensure that the information I knew about was correct. Since I did an infographic, I did not include that much detailed or lengthy information. The sources I used online were very reliable and did not contain any false information.


I would say that this process was much harder than I anticipated it was going to be. By choosing an infographic, I knew that my space was going to be limited. This meant that I was going to have to pick and choose what information I thought was most important to go on the infographic, and what information I thought would be the most effective. Similarly, I had to choose which graphics I thought would make the most sense.

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Cassidy Santos
Writer for

My name is Cassidy and I am senior at the University of Delaware studying English.