Weeds And Why We Need Them

Monarch Butterflies Need Food Too

Brittaney Lazzaro
3 min readApr 2, 2017


Many gardeners face the internal struggle of fighting against the enemy known as ‘weeds’. They soak up more nutrients in the soil, nutrients that the plants need in order to survive and grow. Not only are they a nuisance to farmers, but to animals as well. When these weeds take over it can cause a lot of plants to die out which could affect the livelihood of animals as well. Some weeds can even latch onto other plants and act like a plant vampire. Takes in all of their hosts nutrients while it slowly dies out from lack of nutrients.

So, weeds bad, right? Well yes, a lot of weeds are nuisances that can be hindrances to the gardening or farming experience. However, weeds can be very important to the environment. Specifically, with the Monarch Butterfly.

Monarch Butterfly On A Milkweed

Like most butterflies the caterpillar stage is a very important section of their life. Many caterpillars eat from numerous different types of plants throughout their life. For a Monarch Caterpillar however, they survive mainly on milkweed. Another weed that can be found in gardens that are usually cut or sprayed away with herbicides. So when their food is taken away there isn’t much a Monarch can eat so this decreases their chances of living to become a beautiful butterfly.

This brings up more concerns as the Monarch as of 2017 has seen a 27 percent decrease in population. Their homes, their food, and even their climate is all changing right before us and because of this, Monarchs are suffering from it and we still need these butterflies.

Not only are they valuable pollinators but they are also food for numerous different species. If they go this could affect the birds that eat them as well as small animals and insects. With the decline of their species this could leave an impact on the environment.

Weeds are the thorn of many gardener and farmers sides. They are a hassle to get rid of and they damage crops. Yet at the same time they still serve a purpose to the environment. We need the Monarchs, the environment needs the Monarchs, the Monarchs need milkweeds, so that means we need milkweeds too.


